Data Trawler - Deployment Details

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Deployment Details

Survey: - KAPALA [details]

Deployment Type: - Catch

Station: 942001

Operation No.: 3329

When: 1994-08-15 16:00 to 1994-08-15 17:00 UTC

Where: 35° 12.0' S    150° 42.0' E

Maximum Depth (m): 62

Gear used
NetSampleStartEndStart depthEnd depthMethodEffort
Engel ballon 1994-08-15 16:00 1994-08-15 17:00 44 62 ? 60 Minutes

Catch Composition

CAABTaxaCount Weight (kg)
37007001 Heterodontus portusjacksoni 15
37466008 Tetrosomus reipublicae 15
37027009 Aptychotrema rostrata 11
37031002 Dentiraja australis 15
37038014 Trygonoptera imitata 35
37038018 Urolophus kapalensis 75
37039001 Myliobatis tenuicaudata 2
37067002 Gnathophis longicauda 35
37255007 Optivus agastos 35
37258003 Centroberyx affinis 9780
37264002 Cyttus australis 35
37264004 Zeus faber 2
37287045 Maxillicosta whitleyi 35
37288001 Chelidonichthys kumu 2
37288008 Lepidotrigla mulhalli 75
37288032 Lepidotrigla argus 35
37296001 Platycephalus richardsoni 13
37296007 Platycephalus caeruleopunctatus 17
37296036 Platycephalus grandispinis 15
37326002 Cookeolus japonicus 1
37327002 Dinolestes lewini 5
37330014 Sillago flindersi 1
37337002 Trachurus declivis 35
37337004 Caranx georgianus 1
37355001 Upeneichthys lineatus 2
37357001 Pempheris multiradiata 2
37357008 Pempheris compressa 15
37361010 Atypichthys strigatus 2
37367005 Zanclistius elevatus 5
37377002 Nemadactylus douglasii 2
37400003 Kathetostoma laeve 2
37460001 Lophonectes gallus 1
37460002 Pseudorhombus jenynsii 1
37460031 Pseudorhombus tenuirastrum 5
37465005 Meuschenia scabra 22
37027006 Trygonorrhina fasciata 8
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