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Deployment Details
Survey: - KAPALA [details]
Deployment Type: - Catch
Station: 782309
Operation No.: 761
When: 1978-11-05 23:00 to 1978-11-06 00:00 UTC
Where: 27° 56.0' S 154° 03.0' E
Maximum Depth (m): 579
Gear used
Net | Sample | Start | End | Start depth | End depth | Method | Effort |
Kapala trawl | 1978-11-05 23:00 | 1978-11-06 00:00 | 579 | 579 | ? | 60 Minutes |
Catch Composition
CAAB | Taxa | Count | Weight (kg) |
37031026 | Pavoraja umbrosa | 5 | |
37464014 | Macrorhamphosodes uradoi | 9 | |
37067012 | Bassanago bulbiceps | 5 | |
37208003 | Lophiodes mutilus | 8 | |
37211004 | Chaunax penicillatus | 20 | |
37212037 | Malthopsis apis | 1 | |
37224004 | Tripterophycis gilchristi | 20 | |
37224037 | Euclichthys robertsi | 20 | |
37228031 | Monomitopus sp. [in Paxton et al, 1989] | 9 | |
37229011 | Pyramodon punctatus | 1 | |
37232007 | Malacocephalus laevis | 25 | |
37232074 | Ventrifossa nigrodorsalis | 25 | |
37232106 | Coelorinchus sp. cf cingulatus | 1 | |
37232114 | Coelorinchus smithi | 2 | |
37263001 | Zenion japonicum | 15 | |
37263002 | Zenion sp. [in Paxton et al, 1989] | 10 | |
37264011 | Cyttomimus affinis | 9 | |
37265003 | Xenolepidichthys dalgleishi | 9 | |
37287013 | Lythrichthys dentatus | 1 | |
37287093 | Helicolenus barathri | 15 | |
37287111 | Plectrogenium nanum | 2 | |
37287116 | Phenacoscorpius longicaudalis | 9 | |
37311054 | Synagrops japonicus | 25 | |
37327010 | Epigonus denticulatus | 20 | |
37400001 | Xenocephalus armatus | 1 | |
37439002 | Rexea solandri | 2 | |
37458004 | Lepidoblepharon ophthalmolepis | 1 | |
37460049 | Chascanopsetta lugubris | 2 | |
37464010 | Bathyphylax bombifrons | 1 | |
37031034 | Dipturus wengi | 1 |