Data Trawler - Deployment Details

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Deployment Details

Survey: - 3MRS+C [details]

Deployment Type: - Catch

Station: 5198

Operation No.: 5198

When: 2004-03-11 00:00 UTC

Where: 31° 49.8' S    115° 41.2' E

Maximum Depth (m): 10.1

Gear used
NetSampleStartEndStart depthEnd depthMethodEffort
Quadrat (0.25 m2) 2004-03-11 00:00 2004-03-11 00:00 Diving

Catch Composition

CAABTaxaCount Weight (kg)
54025003 Dictyopteris muelleri 47
63618009 Thalassodendron pachyrhizum 388
54025007 Lobospira bicuspidata 3
54025020 Dictyopteris plagiogramma 55
54025035 Dictyota fastigiata 17
54025040 Dictyota naevosa 8
54025055 Glossophora nigricans 6
54025074 Zonaria turneriana 45
54027001 Scoresbyella profunda 20
55050002 Adelophycus corneus 1
55056015 Callophycus oppositifolius 1
55057005 Claviclonium ovatum 174
55063002 Mychodea marginifera 1
55106020 Gracilaria preissiana 4
55110001 Botryocladia sonderi 203
55110003 Rhodymenia sonderi 112
55111012 Champia stipitata 7
55113014 Hymenocladia chondricola 11
55121006 Amphiroa anceps 28
55121022 Haliptilon roseum 11
55130140 Euptilocladia spongiosa 8
55130156 Griffithsia monilis 5
55131011 Apoglossum spathulatum 2
55133003 Echinothamnion hystrix 36
55133008 Laurencia filiformis 5
55133011 Lenormandia spectabilis 8
55133062 Dictyomenia sonderi 26
55133094 Laurencia clavata 34
55133158 Polysiphonia blandii 1
56196009 Halimeda cuneata 9
56212006 Struvea plumosa 4
54025004 Dictyota dichotoma 0
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