Data Trawler - Deployment Details

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Deployment Details

Survey: - SS199602 [details]

Deployment Type: - Catch

Station: 96

Operation No.: 96

Gear: McKenna Market Trawl (standard)

When: 1996-04-26 02:35 to 1996-04-26 03:18 UTC

Where: 37° 16.2' S    150° 00.3' E
to 37° 18.2' S    149° 59.4' E

Maximum Depth (m): unknown

Description: Market Trawl

Gear used
NetSampleStartEndStart depthEnd depthMethodEffort
McKenna Market Trawl (standard) 1996-04-26 02:35 1996-04-26 03:18 26 30 Trawl

Catch Composition

CAABTaxaCount Weight (kg)
28821004 Ibacus peronii
99999999 unknown/other (no information)
37015024 Asymbolus rubiginosus
37019004 Sphyrna zygaena
37024001 Squatina australis
37038001 Urolophus bucculentus
37038002 Urolophus cruciatus
37038004 Urolophus paucimaculatus
37039001 Myliobatis tenuicaudata
37258003 Centroberyx affinis
37264002 Cyttus australis
37279002 Macroramphosus scolopax
37287005 Neosebastes scorpaenoides
37287008 Scorpaena papillosa
37287048 Centropogon australis
37288001 Chelidonichthys kumu
37288003 Lepidotrigla vanessa
37288008 Lepidotrigla mulhalli
37296007 Platycephalus caeruleopunctatus
37296036 Platycephalus grandispinis
37330014 Sillago flindersi
37377002 Nemadactylus douglasii
37400003 Kathetostoma laeve
37400018 Kathetostoma canaster
37427001 Foetorepus calauropomus
37465000 Balistidae, Monacanthidae
37465002 Acanthaluteres vittiger
37465003 Eubalichthys mosaicus
37465005 Meuschenia scabra
37465006 Nelusetta ayraud
37465036 Meuschenia freycineti
37466002 Anoplocapros inermis
37466003 Aracana aurita
37469001 Diodon nicthemerus
37469002 Allomycterus pilatus
37015001 Cephaloscyllium laticeps

Catch Specimen data

CAABSpeciesSpecimen numberCountSexLength (cm)Length codeWeight (g)CSIRO AccessionSample lodged withMuseum registration
37024001 Squatina australis 1 Unchecked 568 TL 1841
37024001 Squatina australis 2 Unchecked 567 TL 1851
37024001 Squatina australis 3 Unchecked 562 TL 1913
37024001 Squatina australis 4 Unchecked 675 TL 3000
37024001 Squatina australis 5 Unchecked 661 TL 2700
37024001 Squatina australis 6 Unchecked 698 TL 3100
37024001 Squatina australis 7 Unchecked 742 TL 3900
37288003 Lepidotrigla vanessa 1 Unchecked 316 FL 418
37288003 Lepidotrigla vanessa 2 Unchecked 204 FL 131
37288003 Lepidotrigla vanessa 3 Unchecked 202 FL 113
37288003 Lepidotrigla vanessa 4 Unchecked 235 FL 181
37288003 Lepidotrigla vanessa 5 Unchecked 223 FL 152
37288003 Lepidotrigla vanessa 6 Unchecked 186 FL 88
37288003 Lepidotrigla vanessa 7 Unchecked 235 FL 102
37288003 Lepidotrigla vanessa 8 Unchecked 152 FL 63
37288003 Lepidotrigla vanessa 9 Unchecked 235 FL 177
37288003 Lepidotrigla vanessa 10 Unchecked 218 FL 141
37288008 Lepidotrigla mulhalli 1 Unchecked 167 FL 63
37288008 Lepidotrigla mulhalli 2 Unchecked 178 FL 74
37288008 Lepidotrigla mulhalli 3 Unchecked 170 FL 62
37288008 Lepidotrigla mulhalli 4 Unchecked 164 FL 57
37288008 Lepidotrigla mulhalli 5 Unchecked 155 FL 52
37288008 Lepidotrigla mulhalli 6 Unchecked 157 FL 50
37288008 Lepidotrigla mulhalli 7 Unchecked 166 FL 58
37288008 Lepidotrigla mulhalli 8 Unchecked 161 FL 56
37288008 Lepidotrigla mulhalli 9 Unchecked 159 FL 44
37288008 Lepidotrigla mulhalli 10 Unchecked 157 FL 57
37465000 Balistidae, Monacanthidae 1 Unchecked
37465000 Balistidae, Monacanthidae 2 Unchecked 115 FL 25
37465000 Balistidae, Monacanthidae 3 Unchecked
37465000 Balistidae, Monacanthidae 4 Unchecked
37465000 Balistidae, Monacanthidae 5 Unchecked
37465000 Balistidae, Monacanthidae 6 Unchecked
37465000 Balistidae, Monacanthidae 7 Unchecked
37465000 Balistidae, Monacanthidae 8 Unchecked
37465000 Balistidae, Monacanthidae 9 Unchecked
37465000 Balistidae, Monacanthidae 10 Unchecked
37465024 Paramonacanthus filicauda 1 Unchecked 111 FL 17
37465024 Paramonacanthus filicauda 2 Unchecked 115 FL 25
37465024 Paramonacanthus filicauda 3 Unchecked 107 FL 18
37465024 Paramonacanthus filicauda 4 Unchecked 110 FL 19
37465024 Paramonacanthus filicauda 5 Unchecked 109 FL 20
37465024 Paramonacanthus filicauda 6 Unchecked 115 FL 24
37465024 Paramonacanthus filicauda 7 Unchecked 109 FL 20
37465024 Paramonacanthus filicauda 8 Unchecked 106 FL 17
37465024 Paramonacanthus filicauda 9 Unchecked 108 FL 24
37465024 Paramonacanthus filicauda 10 Unchecked 108 FL 17
Deployment observations.
Cloud cover:1/4
Sea direction:180 degrees
Sea state:Rippled
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