Data Trawler - Deployment Details

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Deployment Details

Survey: - LIRA196806 [details]

Deployment Type: - Catch

Station: 9

Operation No.: 9

Gear: Soviet trawl net (70)

When: 1968-06-06 00:00 UTC

Where: 10° 15.0' S    136° 29.0' E

Maximum Depth (m): 65

Gear used
NetSampleStartEndStart depthEnd depthMethodEffort
Soviet trawl net (70) 1968-06-06 00:00 1968-06-06 00:00 65 65 Trawl 60 minutes

Catch Composition

CAABTaxaCount Weight (kg)
37085009 Pellona ditchela 30
99379841 Skalozyb zheltiu 1
37321002 Terapon jarbua 1
37337027 Caranx ignobilis 50
37337028 Megalaspis cordyla 5
37337041 Atropus aurochs 5
37337064 Caranx papuensis 2
37337072 Parastromateus niger 50
37346003 Lutjanus vitta 2
37347005 Nemipterus furcosus 3
37349003 Gerres filamentosus 5
37350903 Plectorhinchus spp. 1
37351011 Lethrinus microdon 1
37355007 Upeneus sulphureus 4
37382901 Sphyraena spp. 4
37440004 Trichiurus lepturus 3000
37441012 Rastrelliger kanagurta 10
37441015 Scomberomorus munroi 10
99378068 Lutjanus sanguineus (unverified) 20
99379676 Sufflamen capistratus (unverified) 1000
37087001 Chirocentrus dorab 5
Deployment observations.
Bottom type:Silt
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