Deployment Details
Survey: - LIRA196702 [details]
Deployment Type: - Catch
Station: 271
Operation No.: 271
When: 1967-04-18 00:00 UTC
33° 00.0' S
126° 42.0' E
32° 54.0' S
126° 42.0' E
Maximum Depth (m): unknown
Comments: Deployment time and position estimated.
Gear used
Net | Sample | Start | End | Start depth | End depth | Method | Effort |
1967-04-18 00:00 | 1967-04-18 00:00 | Trawl |
Catch Composition
CAAB | Taxa | Count | Weight (kg) |
37007001 | Heterodontus portusjacksoni | 1 | |
99379831 | Pseudophycis barbata & Pseudophycis bachus | 1 | |
37015024 | Asymbolus rubiginosus | 1 | |
37023001 | Pristiophorus nudipinnis | 2 | |
37039001 | Myliobatis tenuicaudata | 2 | |
37337002 | Trachurus declivis | 2 | |
37337062 | Pseudocaranx georgianus | 3 | |
37365001 | Chelmonops truncatus | 1 | |
37367005 | Zanclistius elevatus | 3 | |
37369002 | Oplegnathus woodwardi | 1 | |
37465006 | Nelusetta ayraud | 150 | |
37466003 | Aracana aurita | 2 | |
37466010 | Anoplocapros lenticularis | 4 | |
99379813 | Kathetostoma nigrofasciatum & Kathetostoma canaster | 2 | |
99379822 | Okunj with green stripes | 1 | |
37013004 | Parascyllium variolatum | 1 |