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Deployment Details
Survey: - LIRA196702 [details]
Deployment Type: - Catch
Station: 63
Operation No.: 63
When: 1967-03-02 00:00 UTC
Where: 20° 00.0' S 116° 48.0' E
Maximum Depth (m): unknown
Comments: Deployment time and position estimated.
Gear used
Net | Sample | Start | End | Start depth | End depth | Method | Effort |
1967-03-02 00:00 | 1967-03-02 00:00 | Trawl |
Catch Composition
CAAB | Taxa | Count | Weight (kg) |
37118029 | Saurida wanieso | 18 | |
99379620 | Scomberomorus lineolatus (unverified) | 7 | |
37337005 | Platycaranx malabaricus | 19 | |
37337008 | Selar boops | 190 | |
37346004 | Lutjanus sebae | 86 | |
37347901 | Nemipterus spp. | 120 | |
37351009 | Lethrinus miniatus | 600 | |
37353001 | Chrysophrys auratus | 160 | |
37355002 | Upeneus torres | 37 | |
37362005 | Drepane punctata | 2 | |
37362006 | Platax pinnatus | 2 | |
37441012 | Rastrelliger kanagurta | 23 | |
37466005 | Ostracion nasus | 12 | |
99378098 | Siganus oramin (unverified) | 2 | |
99379085 | Caesio chrysozona (unverified) | 3 | |
99379128 | Carcharhinus dorsalis (unverified) | 11 | |
99379344 | Kathetostoma sp. (unverified) | 2 | |
37261001 | Sargocentron rubrum | 17 |