CAAB category: |
99 -
CSIRO Marine Invertebrate Image Collection (MIIC)
Catalogue Number: MIIC-18663
CSIRO Specimen Reference: TAN0308-134-012 Survey: TAN0308 [details] Date of image: 2003-06-03 11:27 Position: -33.3418° S 170.233° E Depth: 675 metres
Image by: CSIRO - Karen Gowlett-Holmes Licence: CCBY 4.0 Rights: CSIRO - Karen Gowlett-Holmes
Family: |
99 110 - show full list
Common Name: | [a sea pen] |
Organism Type: | a sea pen |
Taxon lists: |
Current Australian list:
Commercial species list:
Standard Fish Names List:

Habitat: |
Marine unspecified
Distribution map:
View detailed map or click on map to see same.