CAAB - Codes for Australian Aquatic Biota - Taxon report

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Codes for Australian Aquatic Biota (CAAB) Taxon Report

Animalia (kingdom)  »  Mollusca (phylum)  »  Gastropoda (class)  »  Nudibranchia (order)  »  Facelinidae (family)

CAAB Code: 24 468027 show as JSON
Scientific Name
and Authority

Pteraeolidia semperi   (Bergh, 1870)

Rank: Species
CAAB category: 24 - Mollusca - Gastropoda Gastropods (univalve molluscs, slugs, snails etc.)
Family: 24 468 Facelinidae (nudibranchs) - show full list
Common Name: [a nudibranch]
Organism Type: a nudibranch
Synonyms: Pteraeolidia scolopendrella
Pteraeolidia ianthina (mis-identification)
Taxon lists: Current Australian list:
Commercial species list:
Standard Fish Names List:
Habitat: Marine unspecified
Parent Codes: 24 468910     Pteraeolidia spp.
Previous Codes
(if any)
24 486025
Taxon Notes:This species was previously included in P. ianthina, but recent genetic work has shown that there are a number of closely related but distinct species, and that the true P. ianthina is restricted to temperate New South Wales. Most of the tropical forms and those from western and southern Australia are currently included under P. semperi, but it is highly likely that more than one species is included here. See Wilson & Burghardt, 2015.

Name status: synonym    Checked on: 2019-11-21
View at Atlas of Living Australia
Name status: accepted    Checked on: 2020-02-04
View at WoRMS    - also at Ocean Biodiversity Information System (OBIS) (report and map of occurrences)
Record source: Wilson, N.G., Burghardt, I., 2015. Here be dragons - phylogeography of Pteraeolidia ianthina (Angas, 1864) reveals multiple species of photosynthetic nudibranchs (Aeolidina: Nudibranchia)., Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, Vol. 175: 119-133.
Scientific Name
verified against
WoRMS, WoRMS - World Register of Marine Species. . Available from http: at VLIZ.
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