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Current CAAB listing for family (or group)
Photidae (amphipods)
Found 31 matches. Click on CAAB code to view taxon report.
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CAAB | Scientific Name | Common name |
28 546000 | Photidae | amphipods |
28 546901 | Aetiopedes spp. | |
28 546902 | Cheiriphotis spp. | |
28 546903 | Gammaropsis spp. | |
28 546904 | Graciliphotis spp. | |
28 546905 | Latigammaropsis spp. | |
28 546906 | Photis spp. | |
28 546907 | Virgammaropsis spp. | |
28 546001 | Aetiopedes gracilis | [an amphipod] |
28 546002 | Cheiriphotis australiae | [an amphipod] |
28 546004 | Gammaropsis crassipes | [an amphipod] |
28 546009 | Gammaropsis dentifer | [an amphipod] |
28 546005 | Gammaropsis haswelli | [an amphipod] |
28 546013 | Gammaropsis hephaestus | [an amphipod] |
28 546006 | Gammaropsis incognita | [an amphipod] |
28 546012 | Gammaropsis legoliath | [an amphipod] |
28 546007 | Gammaropsis persetosus | [an amphipod] |
28 546008 | Gammaropsis thomsoni | [an amphipod] |
28 546023 | Gammaropsis triodon | [an amphipod] |
28 546014 | Graciliphotis ruthae | [an amphipod] |
28 546015 | Latigammaropsis athenae | [an amphipod] |
28 546003 | Latigammaropsis atlantica | [an amphipod] |
28 546016 | Latigammaropsis dionysus | [an amphipod] |
28 546017 | Latigammaropsis hermes | [an amphipod] |
28 546018 | Latigammaropsis hestia | [an amphipod] |
28 546019 | Photis aina | [an amphipod] |
28 546010 | Photis brevicaudata | [an amphipod] |
28 546020 | Photis davei | [an amphipod] |
28 546011 | Photis dolichommata | [an amphipod] |
28 546021 | Photis pirloti | [an amphipod] |
28 546022 | Virgammaropsis artemis | [an amphipod] |
Note: CAAB codes prefixed "99" represent project-specific (informal) taxa.