CAAB - Codes for Australian Aquatic Biota - Family list

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Current CAAB listing for family (or group)

Sigalionidae (polychaete worms)

Found 60 matches. Click on CAAB code to view taxon report.

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CAAB Scientific Name Common name
22 064000 Sigalionidae polychaete worms
22 064901 Ehlersileanira spp. [a polychaete worm]
22 064902 Euthalenessa spp. [a polychaete worm]
22 064911 Fimbriosthenelais spp. [a polychaete worm]
22 064909 Labioleanira spp. [a polychaete worm]
22 064903 Labiosthenolepis spp. [a polychaete worm]
22 064918 Laubierpholoe spp. [a polychaete worm]
22 064915 Leanira spp. [a polychaete worm]
22 064917 Neoleanira spp. [a polychaete worm]
22 064904 Pelogenia spp. [a polychaete worm]
22 064905 Pholoe spp. [a polychaete worm]
22 064916 Pholoides spp. [a polychaete worm]
22 064910 Pisione spp. [a polychaete worm]
22 064914 Pottsipelogenia spp. [a polychaete worm]
22 064906 Psammolyce spp. [a polychaete worm]
22 064907 Sigalion spp. [a polychaete worm]
22 064908 Sthenelais spp. [a polychaete worm]
22 064913 Sthenelanella spp. [a polychaete worm]
22 064912 Sthenolepis spp. [a polychaete worm]
22 064001 Ehlersileanira incisa [a polychaete worm]
22 064002 Euthalenessa digitata [a polychaete worm]
22 064004 Euthalenessa festiva [a polychaete worm]
22 064003 Euthalenessa fimbriata [a polychaete worm]
22 064021 Fimbriosthenelais hirsuta [a polychaete worm]
22 064032 Fimbriosthenelais longipinnis [a polychaete worm]
22 064034 Labiosthenolepis laevis [a polychaete worm]
22 064005 Labiosthenolepis sibogae [a polychaete worm]
22 064040 Laubierpholoe antipoda [a polychaete worm]
22 064041 Laubierpholoe maryae [a polychaete worm]
22 064042 Laubierpholoe riseri [a polychaete worm]
22 064035 Leanira quatrefagesi [a polychaete worm]
22 064039 Neoleanira magellanica [a polychaete worm]
22 064010 Pelogenia antipoda [a polychaete worm]
22 064006 Pelogenia paxtonae [a polychaete worm]
22 064026 Pelogenia philippinensis [a polychaete worm]
22 064007 Pelogenia popeae [a polychaete worm]
22 064025 Pelogenia semiglabra [a polychaete worm]
22 064024 Pelogenia zeylanica [a polychaete worm]
22 064008 Pholoe minutissima [a polychaete worm]
22 064009 Pholoe spinosa [a polychaete worm]
22 064031 Pholoides mendeleevi [a polychaete worm]
22 064019 Pisione gopalai [a polychaete worm]
22 064033 Pisione oerstedii [a polychaete worm]
22 064020 Pisione tortuosa [a polychaete worm]
22 064027 Pottsipelogenia malayana [a polychaete worm]
22 064023 Psammolyce horsti [a polychaete worm]
22 064011 Sigalion amboinensis [a polychaete worm]
22 064013 Sigalion microantennatus [a polychaete worm]
22 064014 Sigalion oviger [a polychaete worm]
22 064015 Sigalion sinantennatus [a polychaete worm]
22 064030 Sigalion sp. MoV 333 [a polychaete worm]
22 064029 Sigalion sp. MoV 6865 [a polychaete worm]
22 064016 Sthenelais boa [a polychaete worm]
22 064036 Sthenelais chathamensis [a polychaete worm]
22 064017 Sthenelais marianae [a polychaete worm]
22 064037 Sthenelais novaezealandiae [a polychaete worm]
22 064018 Sthenelais pettiboneae [a polychaete worm]
22 064038 Sthenelais taurangaensis [a polychaete worm]
22 064028 Sthenelais sp. MoV 6866 [a scale worm]
22 064022 Sthenelanella ehlersi [a polychaete worm]

Note: CAAB codes prefixed "99" represent project-specific (informal) taxa.

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