CAAB - Codes for Australian Aquatic Biota - Family list

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Phyllodocidae (polychaete worms)

Found 94 matches. Click on CAAB code to view taxon report.

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CAAB Scientific Name Common name
22 059000 Phyllodocidae polychaete worms
22 059919 Alciopa spp. [a polychaete worm]
22 059923 Alciopina spp. [a polychaete worm]
22 059928 Austrophyllum spp. [a polychaete worm]
22 059918 Clavadoce spp. [a polychaete worm]
22 059902 Eteone spp. [a polychaete worm]
22 059903 Eulalia spp. [a polychaete worm]
22 059904 Eumida spp. [a polychaete worm]
22 059905 Hesionura spp. [a polychaete worm]
22 059924 Hypereteone spp. [a polychaete worm]
22 059906 Mysta spp. [a polychaete worm]
22 059907 Mystides spp. [a polychaete worm]
22 059925 Naiades spp. [a polychaete worm]
22 059908 Nereiphylla spp. [a polychaete worm]
22 059927 Notalia spp. [a polychaete worm]
22 059909 Notophyllum spp. [a polychaete worm]
22 059910 Paranaitis spp. [a polychaete worm]
22 059912 Phyllodoce spp. [a polychaete worm]
22 059914 Protomystides spp. [a polychaete worm]
22 059917 Pseudomystides spp. [a polychaete worm]
22 059915 Pterocirrus spp. [a polychaete worm]
22 059916 Sige spp. [a polychaete worm]
22 059926 Steggoa spp. [a polychaete worm]
22 059920 Torrea spp. [a polychaete worm]
22 059921 Vanadis spp. [a polychaete worm]
22 059922 Watelio spp. [a polychaete worm]
22 059054 Alciopa reynaudi [a polychaete worm]
22 059053 Alciopina gazellae [a polychaete worm]
22 059065 Austrophyllum charcoti [a polychaete worm]
22 059038 Clavadoce dorsolobata [a polychaete worm]
22 059052 Clavadoce sp. MoV 6588 [a polychaete worm]
22 059062 Eteone aurantiaca [a polychaete worm]
22 059001 Eteone filiformis [a polychaete worm]
22 059003 Eteone palari [a polychaete worm]
22 059005 Eteone tulua [a polychaete worm]
22 059006 Eulalia australiensis [a polychaete worm]
22 059063 Eulalia bilineata [a polychaete worm]
22 059040 Eulalia magalaensis [a polychaete worm]
22 059008 Eulalia microphylla [a polychaete worm]
22 059009 Eulalia microphylloides [a polychaete worm]
22 059046 Eulalia sp. MoV 6589 [a polychaete worm]
22 059050 Eulalia sp. MoV 6590 [a polychaete worm]
22 059010 Eumida fuscolutata [a polychaete worm]
22 059011 Eumida hawksburyensis [a polychaete worm]
22 059012 Eumida sanguinea [a polychaete worm]
22 059013 Eumida strigata [a polychaete worm]
22 059014 Eumida trifasciata [a polychaete worm]
22 059051 Eumida sp. MoV 6586 [a polychaete worm]
22 059015 Hesionura australiensis [a polychaete worm]
22 059016 Hesionura gracilis [a polychaete worm]
22 059047 Hesionura sp. MoV 6585 [a polychaete worm]
22 059002 Hypereteone otati [a polychaete worm]
22 059004 Hypereteone tingara [a polychaete worm]
22 059017 Mysta platycephala [a polychaete worm]
22 059018 Mystides triangulifera [a polychaete worm]
22 059055 Naiades cantrainii [a polychaete worm]
22 059019 Nereiphylla castanea [a polychaete worm]
22 059020 Nereiphylla gracilis [a polychaete worm]
22 059049 Nereiphylla sp. MoV 6592 [a polychaete worm]
22 059045 Nereiphylla sp. MoV 773 [a polychaete worm]
22 059041 Notalia picta [a polychaete worm]
22 059066 Notophyllum imbricatum [a polychaete worm]
22 059021 Notophyllum splendens [a polychaete worm]
22 059067 Paranaitis benthicola [a polychaete worm]
22 059044 Paranaitis bowersi [polychaete worm]
22 059022 Paranaitis inflata [a polychaete worm]
22 059068 Paranaitis ochracea [a polychaete worm]
22 059069 Phyllodoce adarensis [a polychaete worm]
22 059023 Phyllodoce australis [a polychaete worm]
22 059024 Phyllodoce diversiantennata [a polychaete worm]
22 059025 Phyllodoce duplex [a polychaete worm]
22 059026 Phyllodoce longipes [a polychaete worm]
22 059027 Phyllodoce madierensis [a polychaete worm]
22 059028 Phyllodoce malmgreni [a polychaete worm]
22 059070 Phyllodoce mernoensis [a polychaete worm]
22 059029 Phyllodoce novaehollandiae [a polychaete worm]
22 059030 Phyllodoce parvula [a polychaete worm]
22 059043 Phyllodoce patagonica [a polychaete worm]
22 059031 Phyllodoce salicifolia [a polychaete worm]
22 059071 Phyllodoce sanctijosephi [a polychaete worm]
22 059032 Phyllodoce tenuissima [a polychaete worm]
22 059033 Protomystides longiantennata [a polychaete worm]
22 059034 Protomystides semiconfusa [a polychaete worm]
22 059035 Protomystides uschakovi [a polychaete worm]
22 059048 Pseudomystides sp. MoV 6584 [a polychaete worm]
22 059064 Pterocirrus hunteri [a polychaete worm]
22 059007 Steggoa capensis [a polychaete worm]
22 059056 Torrea candida [a polychaete worm]
22 059061 Vanadis antarctica [a polychaete worm]
22 059057 Vanadis crystallina [a polychaete worm]
22 059058 Vanadis formosa [a polychaete worm]
22 059059 Vanadis studeri [a polychaete worm]
22 059060 Watelio gravieri [a polychaete worm]
99 220136 Eulalia sp. 1 [a polychaete worm]

Note: CAAB codes prefixed "99" represent project-specific (informal) taxa.

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