CAAB - Codes for Australian Aquatic Biota - Family list

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Current CAAB listing for family (or group)

Chrysopetalidae (polychaete worms)

Found 31 matches. Click on CAAB code to view taxon report.

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CAAB Scientific Name Common name
22 044000 Chrysopetalidae polychaete worms
22 044901 Arichlidon spp. [a polychaete worm]
22 044902 Bhawania spp. [a polychaete worm]
22 044903 Chrysopetalum spp. [a polychaete worm]
22 044904 Dysponetus spp. [a polychaete worm]
22 044908 Hyalopale spp. [a polychaete worm]
22 044905 Paleaequor spp. [a polychaete worm]
22 044906 Paleanotus spp. [a polychaete worm]
22 044907 Treptopale spp. [a polychaete worm]
22 044001 Arichlidon acropetalon [a polychaete worm]
22 044002 Arichlidon hanneloreae [a polychaete worm]
22 044003 Bhawania amboinensis [a polychaete worm]
22 044004 Bhawania multisetosa [a polychaete worm]
22 044005 Bhawania riveti [a polychaete worm]
22 044006 Chrysopetalum debile [a polychaete worm]
22 044007 Chrysopetalum remanei [a polychaete worm]
22 044008 Dysponetus bulbosus [a polychaete worm]
22 044021 Hyalopale angeliensis [a polychaete worm]
22 044020 Hyalopale sapphiriglancyorum [a polychaete worm]
22 044009 Paleaequor setula [a polychaete worm]
22 044014 Paleanotus adornatus [a polychaete worm]
22 044015 Paleanotus aquifolia [a polychaete worm]
22 044010 Paleanotus chrysolepis [a polychaete worm]
22 044019 Paleanotus chrysos [a polychaete worm]
22 044013 Paleanotus inornatus [a polychaete worm]
22 044016 Paleanotus latifolia [a polychaete worm]
22 044018 Paleanotus silopsis [a polychaete worm]
22 044017 Paleanotus silus [a polychaete worm]
22 044011 Treptopale homalos [a polychaete worm]
22 044022 Treptopale magdae [a polychaete worm]
22 044012 Treptopale paromolos [a polychaete worm]

Note: CAAB codes prefixed "99" represent project-specific (informal) taxa.

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