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Current CAAB listing for family (or group)
Stylasteridae (hydrocorals)
Found 148 matches. Click on CAAB code to view taxon report.
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CAAB | Scientific Name | Common name |
11 077000 | Stylasteridae | hydrocorals |
11 077909 | Adelopora spp. | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077917 | Astya spp. | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077915 | Calyptopora spp. | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077920 | Componospina spp. | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077903 | Conopora spp. | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077902 | Crypthelia spp. | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077913 | Distichopora spp. | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077922 | Distichozoon spp. | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077904 | Errina spp. | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077905 | Inferiolabiata spp. | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077908 | Lepidopora spp. | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077910 | Lepidotheca spp. | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077919 | Leptohelia spp. | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077921 | Paraconopora spp. | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077918 | Pseudocrypthelia spp. | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077912 | Sporadopora spp. | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077916 | Stenohelia spp. | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077911 | Stephanohelia spp. | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077901 | Stylaster spp. | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077914 | Systemapora spp. | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077907 | Hydrocorals: Submassive / encrusting | |
11 077906 | Hydrocorals: branching | |
11 077071 | Adelopora alveolata | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077017 | Adelopora crassilabrum | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077018 | Adelopora fragilis | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077019 | Adelopora moseleyi | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077072 | Adelopora robusta | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077070 | Adelopora rosea | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077069 | Adelopora stichopora | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077059 | Astya aspidopora | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077044 | Calyptopora reticulata | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077097 | Calyptopora zibrowii | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077081 | Componospina terebellifera | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077102 | Conopora beebei | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077103 | Conopora bifacialis | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077099 | Conopora cactos | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077049 | Conopora candelabrum | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077104 | Conopora cardata | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077100 | Conopora crassisepta | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077101 | Conopora croca | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077054 | Conopora fragilis | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077052 | Conopora gigantea | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077048 | Conopora laevis | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077050 | Conopora tetrastichopora | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077051 | Conopora unifacialis | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077010 | Conopora verrucosa | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077117 | Crypthelia boucheti | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077111 | Crypthelia cassiculata | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077112 | Crypthelia crassa | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077115 | Crypthelia crenata | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077106 | Crypthelia cryptotrema | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077055 | Crypthelia curvata | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077056 | Crypthelia cymas | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077119 | Crypthelia defensa | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077107 | Crypthelia deforgesi | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077121 | Crypthelia jenniferae | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077114 | Crypthelia laevigata | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077110 | Crypthelia modesta | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077108 | Crypthelia parapolypoma | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077122 | Crypthelia peteri | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077057 | Crypthelia polypoma | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077118 | Crypthelia reticulata | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077061 | Crypthelia robusta | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077120 | Crypthelia sinuosa | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077113 | Crypthelia spiralis | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077060 | Crypthelia stenopoma | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077116 | Crypthelia variegata | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077109 | Crypthelia viridis | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077029 | Distichopora dispar | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077089 | Distichopora serpens | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077088 | Distichopora violacea | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077124 | Distichozoon dens | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077082 | Errina adornata | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077009 | Errina australis | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077037 | Errina bicolor | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077032 | Errina chathamensis | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077036 | Errina cheilopora | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077034 | Errina cooki | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077039 | Errina dendyi | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077001 | Errina fissurata | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077002 | Errina gracilis | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077003 | Errina kerguelensis | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077033 | Errina laevigata | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077005 | Errina laterorifa | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077031 | Errina novaezelandiae | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077038 | Errina reticulata | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077035 | Errina sinuosa | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077023 | Inferiolabiata cervicornis | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077079 | Inferiolabiata cestospinula | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077004 | Inferiolabiata labiata | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077080 | Inferiolabiata limatula | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077007 | Inferiolabiata lowei | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077078 | Inferiolabiata rhabdion | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077008 | Inferiolabiata spinosa | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077015 | Lepidopora cryptocymas | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077012 | Lepidopora dendrostylus | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077066 | Lepidopora gelanes | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077067 | Lepidopora leptoclades | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077065 | Lepidopora polygonalis | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077016 | Lepidopora polystichopora | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077064 | Lepidopora pusilla | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077011 | Lepidopora sarmentosa | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077068 | Lepidopora spinosa | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077014 | Lepidopora symmetrica | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077063 | Lepidopora unicaulis | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077024 | Lepidotheca altispina | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077022 | Lepidotheca chauliostylus | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077074 | Lepidotheca clavata | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077020 | Lepidotheca fascicularis | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077076 | Lepidotheca hebetis | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077021 | Lepidotheca inconsuta | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077075 | Lepidotheca minuta | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077073 | Lepidotheca ranunculata | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077025 | Lepidotheca robusta | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077077 | Lepidotheca splendens | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077062 | Leptohelia flexibilis | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077013 | Leptohelia microstylus | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077053 | Paraconopora anthothelia | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077105 | Paraconopora spinosa | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077123 | Pseudocrypthelia apoma | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077058 | Pseudocrypthelia pachypoma | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077028 | Sporadopora micropora | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077027 | Sporadopora mortenseni | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077098 | Stenohelia aurantiaca | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077046 | Stenohelia conferta | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077085 | Stephanohelia crassa | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077084 | Stephanohelia gracilis | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077026 | Stephanohelia praecipua | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077083 | Stephanohelia sulfurea | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077090 | Stylaster biflabellum | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077040 | Stylaster brunneus | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077091 | Stylaster diastemata | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077006 | Stylaster eguchii | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077095 | Stylaster fundatus | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077043 | Stylaster gracilis | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077041 | Stylaster horologium | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077042 | Stylaster imbricatus | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077093 | Stylaster lindneri | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077096 | Stylaster obtusus | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077094 | Stylaster polystomos | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077092 | Stylaster sanguineus | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077045 | Stylaster sinuosus | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077030 | Systemapora ornata | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077086 | Systemapora solida | [a hydrocoral] |
11 077087 | Systemapora vermifera | [a hydrocoral] |
99 110231 | deep water Stylasteridae | |
99 110230 | shallow water Stylasteridae |
Note: CAAB codes prefixed "99" represent project-specific (informal) taxa.