CAAB - Codes for Australian Aquatic Biota - Catch Records

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Catch Data - from CSIRO surveys.

CAAB Code: 55 110004 [taxon report]
Scientific Name
and Authority
Asteromenia peltata    (W.R.Taylor) Huisman & A.J.K.Millar
CAAB category: 55 - Rhodophyta
Common Name: [a red alga]
Distribution map:
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Occurrence locations [15] shown as red circles - View CSIRO Catch records

Catch records - 15 records found.
Click on survey to see survey details. Click on Operation to see full details of the catch. Use the CSV button at the bottom to export data.

Date (UTC)PositionSurveyOperationDepth
Range (m)
CountWeight (kg)MethodEffortGear
2004-04-28 00:00 30° 17.8' S    114° 58.0' E SWD13M 5502   10 to 10 1 Diving
2004-05-14 00:00 31° 28.4' S    115° 33.6' E MR 5525   6 to 6 0 Diving
2004-05-25 13:02 21° 05.7' S    151° 52.5' E LB200401 178   68 to 68 1 Benthic Sled
2004-08-04 00:00 31° 26.9' S    115° 32.8' E CL 5570   6 to 6 0 Diving
2004-08-17 00:00 32° 00.0' S    115° 33.7' E PHIL02 5649   6 to 6 3 Diving
2004-10-25 00:00 30° 17.9' S    115° 01.7' E WR 5678   6 to 6 0 Diving
2004-10-27 00:00 30° 08.1' S    114° 58.4' E FISZ3 5689   6 to 6 1 Diving
2005-01-25 00:00 31° 26.9' S    115° 32.8' E CL 5769   6 to 6 0 Diving
2005-04-19 00:00 31° 28.4' S    115° 33.6' E MR 5815   6 to 6 0 Diving
2005-05-02 00:00 30° 08.1' S    114° 58.4' E FISZ3 5902   6 to 6 1 Diving
2005-05-03 00:00 30° 09.4' S    114° 59.7' E JR 5917   6 to 6 1 Diving
2005-07-18 00:00 31° 26.9' S    115° 32.8' E CL 5939   6 to 6 1 Diving
2005-07-19 00:00 31° 47.9' S    115° 43.1' E WhR 5954   6 to 6 1 Diving
2005-07-25 00:00 30° 17.9' S    115° 01.7' E WR 5989   6 to 6 1 Diving
2005-07-26 00:00 30° 08.1' S    114° 58.4' E FISZ3 5995   6 to 6 2 Diving

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