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List of 42 taxa grouped by families - click on CAAB code to see taxon report.
Restricted to:
Animalia (kingdom)
Mollusca (phylum)
Bivalvia (class)
[unassigned] Euheterodonta (order)
CAAB | Scientific Name | Authority | AS5300 | AS5301 | Common | Created | Revised |
23 390007 | Cucurbitula cymbium | (Spengler, 1783) | [a flask cockle] | 2001-09-18 | 2013-07-01 | ||
23 390004 | Cucurbitula tasmanica | (Tenison Woods, 1876) | [a flask cockle] | 2001-09-18 | 2015-05-18 | ||
23 390901 | Cucurbitula spp. | [a flask cockle] | 2012-10-05 | 2014-09-24 | |||
23 390010 | Dufoichaena dentifera | (Dufo, 1840) | [a flask cockle] | 2013-08-15 | 2014-09-24 | ||
23 390904 | Dufoichaena spp. | [a flask cockle] | 2013-08-15 | 2014-09-24 | |||
23 390008 | Eufistulana mumia | (Spengler, 1783) | [a flask cockle] | 2001-09-18 | 2013-07-01 | ||
23 390902 | Eufistulana spp. | [a flask cockle] | 2012-10-05 | 2014-09-24 | |||
23 390009 | Gastrochaena brevis | G.B. Sowerby I, 1834 | [a flask cockle] | 2013-08-15 | |||
23 390001 | Gastrochaena frondosa | Cotton, 1930 | [a flask cockle] | 2001-09-18 | 2013-07-01 | ||
23 390002 | Gastrochaena philippinensis | Deshayes, 1855 | [a flask cockle] | 2001-09-18 | 2013-07-01 | ||
23 390903 | Gastrochaena spp. | [a flask cockle] | 2012-10-05 | 2014-09-24 | |||
23 390006 | Spengleria mytiloides | (Lamarck, 1818) | [a flask cockle] | 2001-09-18 | 2014-09-24 | ||
23 390905 | Spengleria spp. | [a flask cockle] | 2013-08-15 | 2014-09-24 | |||
23 390003 | Spenglerichaena apertissima | (Deshayes, 1855) | [a flask cockle] | 2001-09-18 | 2014-09-24 | ||
23 390906 | Spenglerichaena spp. | [a flask cockle] | 2014-10-13 | ||||
23 390000 | Gastrochaenidae | flask cockles | 2001-09-18 | ||||
23 395001 | Hiatella arctica | (Linnaeus, 1767) | [a bivalve] | 2000-07-20 | 2015-05-18 | ||
23 395901 | Hiatella spp. | [a saxicave] | 2012-10-05 | 2014-09-24 | |||
23 395002 | Panopea australis | G.B. Sowerby I, 1833 | [a bivalve] | 2001-09-18 | 2013-07-01 | ||
23 395003 | Panopea smithae | Powell, 1950 | [a bivalve] | 2013-08-15 | |||
23 395004 | Panopea zelandica | (Quoy & Gaimard, 1835) | [a bivalve] | 2013-08-15 | |||
23 395902 | Panopea spp. | [a saxicave] | 2012-10-05 | 2014-09-24 | |||
23 395000 | Hiatellidae | bivalves | 2000-07-20 | ||||
23 351002 | Cultellus hanleyi | Dunker, 1862 | [a razor clam] | 2001-09-18 | 2013-07-01 | ||
23 351901 | Cultellus spp. | 2012-10-05 | |||||
23 351001 | Ensiculus australis | (Dunker, 1862) | [a razor clam] | 2000-08-03 | 2013-07-01 | ||
23 351902 | Ensiculus spp. | 2012-10-05 | |||||
23 351905 | Ensis spp. | 2021-04-22 | |||||
23 351003 | Siliqua tenerior | (Hedley, 1915) | [a razor clam] | 2001-09-18 | 2013-07-01 | ||
23 351903 | Siliqua spp. | 2012-10-05 | |||||
23 351904 | Ensis ensis & Ensis directus | Atlantic Razor Clam | Atlantic Razor Clam | 2020-05-26 | 2020-10-14 | ||
23 351000 | Pharidae | razor clams | 2000-08-03 | 2013-07-01 | |||
23 350003 | Solen aureomaculatus | Habe, 1964 | [a fingernail clam] | 2001-09-18 | 2013-07-01 | ||
23 350007 | Solen darwinensis | Cosel, 2002 | [a fingernail clam] | 2013-08-15 | |||
23 350002 | Solen fonesi | Dunker, 1862 | [a fingernail clam] | 2000-08-03 | 2013-07-01 | ||
23 350004 | Solen kajiyamai | Habe, 1964 | [a fingernail clam] | 2001-09-18 | 2013-07-01 | ||
23 350006 | Solen kurodai | Habe, 1964 | [a fingernail clam] | 2001-09-18 | 2013-07-01 | ||
23 350005 | Solen roseomaculatus | Pilsbry, 1901 | [a fingernail clam] | 2001-09-18 | 2013-07-01 | ||
23 350008 | Solen sloani | Gray in Hanley, 1842 | [a fingernail clam] | 2013-08-15 | |||
23 350001 | Solen vaginoides | (Lamarck, 1818) | [a fingernail clam] | 2000-07-20 | 2015-05-18 | ||
23 350901 | Solen spp. | 2012-10-05 | |||||
23 350000 | Solenidae | fingernail and razor clams | 2000-07-20 | 2000-08-02 |