A powerpoint presentation given to the initial ANZLIC National Nested Grid workshop, Canberra, September 2011, added to the resources page
A powerpoint presentation given to the PEMS (Platform for Environmental Modelling Support) demonstrator project, October 2007 (with Sept 2009 update) added to the resources page, for information to the ANZLIC National Nested Grid project participants
A note on c-squares applicability and a php implementation of c-squares posted on the web here by user Tomislav Filipčić
C-squares system description on the "Tools" section of the Atlas of Living Australia website
Brief c-squares system descriptions on Wikipedia and The GEOCODE Encyclopedia website
A 2010 c-squares related post by Rod Page, Universty of Glasgow dealing with the potential of including c-squares identifiers in RDF representations of biological data distributions
JSpatial, an open source Java library which includes a framework for handling the C-Squares Spatial Indexing Scheme
Description of DIGMAP, a geo-temporal Web gazetter service supporting both GML and c-squares geometries
Discussion of c-squares in the MIT Press publication "Georeferencing: The Geographic Associations of Information" by Linda L. Hill, 2006, pp. 71-75 and elsewhere
A Ruby script for creating c-squares added to the resources page courtesy of Jamie Brough (UK).
New mapper test page created, with four example datasets that can be plotted ranging from small (1 square) to large (85,000 squares, in 5 different colours).
Source code for V3.0 of the c-squares mapper available on "files" section of c-squares SourceForge site (http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=158386).
Revised version (v.3.0) of the c-squares mapper constructed, including improved base maps, "globe views", seamless pan and zoom, and more. This version utilises the excellent xplanet open source application to draw the "globe views" (many thanks to xplanet creator, Hari Nair).
C-squares project page started on SourceForge: see http://csquares.sourceforge.net/.
Revised version (v.1.1) of the c-squares specification posted.
Three new installations of the c-squares mapper are now online: (1) OBIS Australia (http://www.obis.org.au/cgi-bin/cs_map.pl); (2) University of Kiel IfM-GEOMAR in Germany (http://filaman.uni-kiel.de/cgi-bin/cs_map.pl); and (3) Swedish Museum of Natural History (http://uinen.nrm.se/cgi-bin/cs_map.pl). The original URL for the mapper at http://www.cmar.csiro.au/cgi-bin/cs_map.pl will remain available and will redirect transparently to the installation on obis.org.au.
A number of new mapper features have been added; these will be documented in a revised "about mapper" page shortly.
The "AquaMaps" project from the University of Kiel goes live, presenting interactive predicted distribution maps for hundreds of marine species utilising the c-squares mapper (For an entry point, go to http://filaman.ifm-geomar.de/tools/AquaMaps/HCMapSpeciesList.php).
Oracle PL/SQL source code for validating a given c-squares code and c-squares string posted on resources page.
Updated and improved example applications page created for the c-squares website, including reference to all current known applications running c-squares, plus a prototype mapping page (including c-squares mappers in SVG and Flash) from the Data Centre at the Australian Antarctic Division.
Two papers on c-squares - related systems accepted for presentation at EOGEO 2004 technical workshop, London, UK, June 2004. Abstracts available here and here.
Full c-squares spatial indexing incorporated into major upgrade of OBIS, the Ocean Biogeographic Information System, running at Rutgers University, NJ, USA; revised version released 23 March 2004 (approx. 1.6 million records, of 20,000 different marine species, indexed).
Prototype c-squares spatial search facility created for CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research Remote Sensing facility's archive of NOAA AVHRR satellite data, based on a c-squares index of "footprints" of c.60,000 satellite passes. Powerpoint presentation describing the method used available here.
C-squares "lat/long-to-c-square converter" upgraded with new options to handle lines and polygons crossing the international date line, and polygons surrounding either the north or south pole (e.g. as with polar satellite data).
C-squares FAQ ("Frequently Asked Questions") page added to the website.
C-squares "lat/long-to-c-square converter" upgraded with new options to handle lines and polygons crossing the international date line, and polygons surrounding either the north or south pole (e.g. as with polar satellite data).
Release of an upgraded version of the c-squares mapper, including:
Also created: a new, web input form "c-squares active map tester" for demonstration and testing of the new c-squares mapper features.
Technical details, along with the link to "c-squares active map tester", are available here.
"c-squares-discuss" listserver established for interested developers and/or implementers to exchange information or post enquiries relevant to c-squares. To join the list, send an email to
with the word 'subscribe' in the BODY of the email (note, anything in the
subject line is ignored).
Then, to post a message, send it to
c-squares-discuss@marine.csiro.au (note, only persons currently subscribed to the list are able to send messages to this service).
Archives of this list are available at http://www.cmar.csiro.au/dmr/listarchive/c-squares-discuss/.
"Official" system description, entitled "C-Squares", a New Spatial Indexing System and its Applicability to the Description of Oceanographic Datasets, published in Oceanography vol. 16 no. 1, March 2003. .pdf copies posted on c-squares website in high resolution (file size 8.5 Mb) and low resolution (file size 0.5 Mb) versions.
OBIS (the Ocean Biogeographic Information System, USA), http://www.iobis.org/, opts to use c-squares as primary spatial index for all its species records (approx 1 million now, and expected to grow rapidly over the next few years), to be functional before system launch in October 2003.
Work Commenced on implementing "click on a square" functionality for the c-squares mapper - for example output, see this link, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on "CMAR catches map", then click on (or close to) a red square or two.
On-line c-square lat/long converter extended with prototype code to handle:
New, improved version of "get_csquare" implemented for use at CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research.
Revised "Oceanography" paper on c-squares submitted for publication following reviewers' comments; accepted for publication, 28 December.
C-squares concept presented at the NASA's GCMD (Global Change Master Directory) system developers offices in Lanham, Maryland.
C-squares concept presented at the US FGDC (Federal Geographic Data Committee) headquarters in Reston, Virginia. See Announcement and Powerpoint presentation delivered, via the FGDC website. (Copy of the same presentation also posted on the c-squares website here).
C-squares concept presented at the 2002 Colour of Ocean Data Conference in Brussels. Abstract and Poster presentation available via the csquares website.
High-level (10 slide) C-squares overview Powerpoint presentation prepared.
"Google" internet search is successfully indexing the c-square codes posted within "MarLIN" metadata records - for an example pre-configured search, click this link.
Added c-squares codes as explicit spatial references in "MarLIN" HTML metadata pages - to discover whether these can be used as a searchable field with internet search engines.
Drafts prepared of official "c-squares system description" paper and circulated for comment to interested parties; initial version submitted to "Oceanography" magazine for consideration, 29 August 2002; also incorporating diagrams of WMO Squares provided by Ruth Curry, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution) from her documentation to "Hydrobase", and satellite imaging tracks by Mike Botts from the "Space-Time Toolkit".
Phoebe Zhang's Java implementation of "get_csquare" (from OBIS Distributed Data Search) and Eli Agbayani's ColdFusion version (from FishBase searches) posted on the c-squares website.
First public presentation given on c-squares, at the 2002 EOGEO Technical Workshop, Ispra, Italy. Abstract and Powerpoint presentation available, via the EOGEO website (visit this link for list of all EOGEO 2002 presentations). (NB, Powerpoint presentation also available via the c-squares website, here).
Coloured A4 handout/flyer for c-squares produced, in advance of the 2002 EOGEO meeting.
C-squares used for spatial indexing of 200,000 biological "catch" records at CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research; index accessible via "CAAB" taxon master list (mainly for internal users, however 2 external examples accessible via Sample c-squares-enabled metadata records page - look for "orange roughy" and "brownband seaperch").
Support for a new element "legend" added to the c-squares mapper.
Initial c-squares search interface added to CMAR's "MarLIN" metadata system, after encoding some 500 records with relevant c-squares codes.
Sea-Surface-Temperature (SST) images sourced from CSIRO's Division of Atmospheric Research added to the c-squares mapper, as new options for base maps.
FishBase (http://www.fishbase.org/), adds c-squares mapping functionality to its "Point Distribution" and "Biogeographic Modelling" pages for any species.
Initial version of an online c-squares lat-long converter constructed, and added to the website.
The c-squares mapper now includes support for "Pacific centred" maps, i.e., longitude can change from +180 to -180 in the middle of the map without incurring a problem.
OBIS (the Ocean Biogeographic Information System, USA), http://www.iobis.org/, adds c-squares mapping functionality to its "Distributed Data Search" facility for any species.
"Enlarge" facility added for maps produced by the c-squares mapper.
"get_csquare" PL/SQL code posted on website (example code to convert lat/long pair to a c-square reference)
Draft version 1 of the c-squares specification posted.
First version of the c-squares mapper constructed (initially as replacement for the off-line "Xerox PARC Map Viewer", now discontinued).
Example c-squares enabled metadata record (from CMAR "MarLIN" metadata directory) posted on website.
C-squares website started at this address (http://www.cmar.csiro.au/csquares/).
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This page last updated: 15 August 2011