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Seamounts Research


Current Projects
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Census of Marine Life

CSIRO's Seamounts research is affiliated with the Census of marine life's seamounts program, CenSeam.

South East Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) Seamounts project

Current projects

Project aims:

  • To review knowledge and re-survey the Tasmanian Seamounts Marine Reserve to better define the conservation values of this reserve and to determine whether there have been observable changes (e.g. relative to adjacent fished areas) since 1999.
  • To provide baseline surveys for three new Commonwealth Marine Reserves – Huon, Tasman Fracture, South Tasman Rise – in the South East Region (SER). More information from the Department of the Environment and Water Resources website.
  • To provide advice on suitable indicators for monitoring temperate offshore MPAs, bearing in mind potential monitoring frequency and limits on destructive sampling.

Survey design:

Survey 1:

Survey 2:

Outputs to date:

Detailed maps of known and newly discovered semounts

Tasmanian Seamounts Map [Click for larger view]

Photographic inventories:

Scientific Poster:

Seamounts poster

Seamount Ecosystems conserved in the Huon Commonwealth Marine Reserve [PDF 3.5 MB]



Seamount lists and species data from biological samples were provided to SeamountsOnline (http://seamounts.sdsc.edu/)

See also; Publications

The team:

Members of the team include:

  • Alan Williams
  • Rudy Kloser
  • Franzis Althaus