CAAB - Codes for Australian Aquatic Biota - Taxa List

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List of 71 taxa grouped by families - click on CAAB code to see taxon report.

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  Eatoniellidae (family)      (Species only)

CAAB Scientific Name Authority AS5300 AS5301 Common Created Revised
24 101031 Crassitoniella carinata Ponder, 1965 [a gastropod] 2019-04-15
24 101001 Crassitoniella erratica (May, 1902) [a gastropod] 2004-04-06 2015-08-19
24 101003 Crassitoniella flammea (Frauenfeld, 1867) [a gastropod] 2004-04-06 2015-10-16
24 101032 Crassitoniella thola Ponder, 1965 [a gastropod] 2019-04-15
24 101025 Eatoniella ainsworthi (Hedley, 1916) [a gastropod] 2011-08-11 2019-02-25
24 101038 Eatoniella albocolumella Ponder, 1965 [a gastropod] 2019-04-15
24 101027 Eatoniella alboelata Ponder, 1983 [a gastropod] 2011-08-11 2019-02-25
24 101007 Eatoniella ansonae Ponder & Yoo, 1978 [a gastropod] 2004-04-06 2019-02-25
24 101039 Eatoniella atervisceralis Ponder, 1965 [a gastropod] 2019-04-15
24 101008 Eatoniella atrella Ponder & Yoo, 1978 [a gastropod] 2004-04-06 2019-02-25
24 101009 Eatoniella atropurpurea (Frauenfeld, 1867) [a gastropod] 2004-04-06 2019-02-25
24 101010 Eatoniella australiensis (Thiele, 1930) [a gastropod] 2004-04-06 2019-02-25
24 101040 Eatoniella bathamae Ponder, 1965 [a gastropod] 2019-04-15
24 101024 Eatoniella caliginosa (E.A. Smith, 1875) [a gastropod] 2011-08-11 2019-02-25
24 101041 Eatoniella delli Ponder, 1965 [a gastropod] 2019-04-15
24 101004 Eatoniella demissa (E.A.Smith, 1915) [a gastropod] 2004-04-06 2019-02-25
24 101011 Eatoniella depressa Ponder & Yoo, 1978 [a gastropod] 2004-04-06 2019-02-25
24 101042 Eatoniella dilatata (Powell, 1955) [a gastropod] 2019-04-15
24 101012 Eatoniella exigua Ponder & Yoo, 1978 [a gastropod] 2004-04-06 2019-02-25
24 101043 Eatoniella flammulata (Hutton, 1878) [a gastropod] 2019-04-15
24 101044 Eatoniella fossa Ponder, 1965 [a gastropod] 2019-04-15
24 101013 Eatoniella fulva Ponder & Yoo, 1978 [a gastropod] 2004-04-06 2019-02-25
24 101045 Eatoniella fuscosubucula Ponder, 1965 [a gastropod] 2019-04-15
24 101014 Eatoniella galbinia (Laseron, 1950) [a gastropod] 2004-04-06 2019-02-25
24 101005 Eatoniella glacialis (E.A. Smith, 1907) [a gastropod] 2004-04-06 2019-02-25
24 101046 Eatoniella globosa Ponder, 1965 [a gastropod] 2019-04-15
24 101015 Eatoniella hewittae Ponder & Yoo, 1978 [a gastropod] 2004-04-06 2019-02-25
24 101016 Eatoniella howensis Ponder & Yoo, 1978 [a gastropod] 2004-04-06 2019-02-25
24 101026 Eatoniella hyalina Thiele, 1912 [a gastropod] 2011-08-11 2019-02-25
24 101047 Eatoniella iredalei (Oliver, 1915) [a gastropod] 2019-04-15
24 101017 Eatoniella juliae Ponder & Yoo, 1978 [a gastropod] 2004-04-06 2019-02-25
24 101048 Eatoniella kerguelenensis chiltoni (Suter, 1909) [a gastropod] 2019-04-15
24 101049 Eatoniella kerguelenensis regularis (E. A. Smith, 1915) [a gastropod] 2019-04-15
24 101028 Eatoniella kerguelensis kerguelensis (E.A. Smith, 1875) [a gastropod] 2011-08-11 2019-02-25
24 101033 Eatoniella lampra (Suter, 1908) [a gastropod] 2019-04-15
24 101050 Eatoniella latebricola Ponder, 1965 [a gastropod] 2019-04-15
24 101051 Eatoniella limbata (Hutton, 1883) [a gastropod] 2019-04-15
24 101052 Eatoniella lutea (Suter, 1908) [a gastropod] 2019-04-15
24 101018 Eatoniella melanochroma (Tate, 1899) [a gastropod] 2004-04-06 2019-02-25
24 101053 Eatoniella mortoni Ponder, 1965 [a gastropod] 2019-04-15
24 101054 Eatoniella notalabia Ponder, 1965 [a gastropod] 2019-04-15
24 101030 Eatoniella notata Ponder & Yoo, 1978 [a gastropod] 2011-08-11 2019-02-25
24 101055 Eatoniella obtusispira (Powell, 1955) [a gastropod] 2019-04-15
24 101056 Eatoniella olivacea (Hutton, 1882) [a gastropod] 2019-04-15
24 101057 Eatoniella pallida (Powell, 1937) [a gastropod] 2019-04-15
24 101006 Eatoniella pellucida Tate & May, 1900 [a gastropod] 2004-04-06 2019-02-25
24 101036 Eatoniella perforata Ponder, 1965 [a gastropod] 2019-04-15
24 101058 Eatoniella pfefferi (Suter, 1909) [a gastropod] 2019-04-15
24 101034 Eatoniella poutama (E. C. Smith, 1962) [a gastropod] 2019-04-15
24 101059 Eatoniella pullmitra Ponder, 1965 [a gastropod] 2019-04-15
24 101019 Eatoniella puniceolinea Ponder & Yoo, 1978 [a gastropod] 2004-04-06 2019-02-25
24 101037 Eatoniella puniceomacer Ponder, 1965 [a gastropod] 2019-04-15
24 101035 Eatoniella rakiura Ponder, 1965 [a gastropod] 2019-04-15
24 101060 Eatoniella roseocincta (Suter, 1908) [a gastropod] 2019-04-15
24 101061 Eatoniella roseola (Iredale, 1915) [a gastropod] 2019-04-15
24 101062 Eatoniella roseospira (Powell, 1937) [a gastropod] 2019-04-15
24 101020 Eatoniella shepherdi Ponder & Yoo, 1978 [a gastropod] 2004-04-06 2019-02-25
24 101063 Eatoniella smithae Ponder, 1965 [a gastropod] 2019-04-15
24 101064 Eatoniella stewartiana Ponder, 1965 [a gastropod] 2019-04-15
24 101029 Eatoniella subrufescens (E.A. Smith, 1875) [a gastropod] 2011-08-11 2019-02-25
24 101021 Eatoniella talboti Ponder & Yoo, 1978 [a gastropod] 2004-04-06 2019-02-25
24 101022 Eatoniella taylorae Ponder & Yoo, 1978 [a gastropod] 2004-04-06 2019-02-25
24 101065 Eatoniella tenella (Powell, 1937) [a gastropod] 2019-04-15
24 101066 Eatoniella varicolor Ponder, 1965 [a gastropod] 2019-04-15
24 101067 Eatoniella verecunda (Suter, 1908) [a gastropod] 2019-04-15
24 101023 Eatoniella victoriae Ponder & Yoo, 1978 [a gastropod] 2004-04-06 2019-02-25
24 101068 Liratoniella bicarinata Ponder, 1965 [a gastropod] 2019-04-15
24 101069 Pupatonia atomaria Ponder, 1965 [a gastropod] 2019-04-15
24 101070 Pupatonia gracilispira (Powell, 1933) [a gastropod] 2019-04-15
24 101071 Pupatonia minutula (Powell, 1933) [a gastropod] 2019-04-15
24 101072 Pupatonia pupinella (Finlay, 1927) [a gastropod] 2019-04-15

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