Data Trawler - Survey Details

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Voyage details and related metadata, reports, events and data.

SS2010_T02    - is a Marine National Facility voyage

Period: 2010-08-10 09:00 to 2010-08-20 03:00 UTC

Duration: 9.75 days

From: Fremantle To: Hobart

Region: Benthic Protection Zone (BPZ) of the Great Australian Bight Marine Park (GABMP)

Ship: Southern Surveyor [details]

Description: Southern Surveyor Transit Voyage SS2010_T02, Fremantle to Hobart. Scientific Objectives The Benthic Protection Zone (BPZ) of the Great Australian Bight Marine Park (GABMP) was proclaimed in 1998, and consists of a 20 nautical-mile-wide strip of seafloor orientated north to south and extending from three nautical miles from the coast to the edge of Australia's Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), 200 nautical miles offshore (Figure 1). Within this zone, the benthic assemblages are protected from demersal trawling and other potentially destructive human activities. The BPZ is presently one of fourteen temperate Commonwealth Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in Australia. These MPAs form part of an integrated strategy for marine conservation and management through the National Representative System of Marine Protected Areas (NRSMPA). At present, no data are available on the benthic biodiversity of the continental slope of the BPZ, or the environmental factors that affect their patterns of distribution and abundance. This research addresses this knowledge gap and aims to provide quantitative information on the regional significance and diversity of the deep-water faunal communities of the BPZ. Taken from ss2010_t02 Voyage Plan.

Leader: D Currie (SARDI Aquatic Sciences)

Project: National Facility External Users: D. Currie (SARDI) [details]

Voyage extents: 43° 47.6' S to 31° 57.2' S    114° 39.9' E to 147° 30.0' E Get voyage track shapefile Get CSV

Marlin Metadata:-

  • Southern Surveyor Voyage SS2010_T02 ADCP Data [details]

  • Southern Surveyor Voyage SS2010_T02 CTD Data [details]

  • Southern Surveyor Voyage SS2010_T02 Hydrology Data [details]

  • Southern Surveyor Voyage SS2010_T02 Multibeam Echosounder Data [details]

  • Southern Surveyor Voyage SS2010_T02 Raw Data Tapes and Documentation [details]

  • Southern Surveyor Voyage SS2010_T02 Underway Data [details]

  • Metadata from OBIS Australia datasets:- biological data is published via the OBIS-AU IPT server and delivered to one or more of OBIS, ALA and GBIF

  • Collection data of Tethya irisae sp. nov. and comparative material, Great Australian Bight, Australia

    Download from OBIS Australia IPT View at - Ocean Biodiversity Information System (OBIS)   

  • Global benthic biogeographical regions and macroecological drivers for ophiuroids [Data set]

    Download from OBIS Australia IPT View at - Ocean Biodiversity Information System (OBIS)   

  • Trawl and Grab infaunal samples from the Great Australian Bight - Southern Surveyor voyage SS2010_T02 (2010)

    Download from OBIS Australia IPT View at - Ocean Biodiversity Information System (OBIS)    Atlas of Living Australia (ALA)    GBIF

  • Participants - on ship:-

    Bernadette Heaney MNF Swath Mapping Support CSIRO Oceans & Atmosphere - Hobart
    David Currie Chief Investigator South Australian Research and Development Institute
    Karl Forcey MNF Electronic Support CSIRO Oceans & Atmosphere - Hobart
    Laura Richardson Oceanographer, PhD Student Australian National University
    Pamela Brodie MNF Voyage Manager / Computing Support CSIRO Oceans & Atmosphere - Hobart
    Rod Simpson Invertebrate Taxonomist UNE
    Saras Kumar Invertebrate Taxonomist DEH
    Sue Reynolds MNF Hydrochemistry CSIRO Oceans & Atmosphere - Hobart

    This list includes those that may have only been on part of the voyage. See voyage reports on 'Reports and Maps' tab for details.

    Marine National Facility Reports - plans, summaries and data processing

    Publications, reports and datasets from this voyage.


    • Bakker, Dorothee C E; Pfeil, Benjamin; Smith, Karl; Hankin, Steven; Olsen, Are; Alin, Simone R; Cosca, Catherine E; Harasawa, Sumiko; Kozyr, Alexander; Nojiri, Yukihiro; O'Brien, Kevin M; Schuster, Ute; Telszewski, Maciej; Tilbrook, Bronte; Wada, Chisato; Akl, John; Barbero, Leticia; Bates, Nicolas R; Boutin, Jacqueline; Bozec, Yann; Cai, Wei-Jun; Castle, Robert D; Chavez, Francisco P; Chen, Lei; Chierici, Melissa; Currie, Kim I; de Baar, Hein J W; Evans, Wiley; Feely, Richard A; Fransson, Agneta; Gao, Zhongyong; Hales, Burke; Hardman-Mountford, Nicolas J; Hoppema, Mario; Huang, Wei-Jen; Hunt, Christopher W; Huss, Betty; Ichikawa, Tadafumi; Johannessen, Truls; Jones, Elizabeth M; Jones, Steve D; Jutterstrøm, Sara; Kitidis, Vassilis; Körtzinger, Arne; Landschützer, Peter; Lauvset, Siv K; Lefèvre, Nathalie; Manke, Ansley; Mathis, Jeremy T; Merlivat, Liliane; Metzl, Nicolas; Murata, Akihiko; Newberger, Timothy; Omar, Abdirahman M; Ono, Tsuneo; Park, Geun-Ha; Paterson, Kristina; Pierrot, Denis; Ríos, Aida F; Sabine, Christopher L; Saito, Shu; Salisbury, Joe; Sarma, Vedula V S S; Schlitzer, Reiner; Sieger, Rainer; Skjelvan, Ingunn; Steinhoff, Tobias; Sullivan, Kevin; Sun, Heng; Sutton, Adrienne; Suzuki, Toru; Sweeney, Colm; Takahashi, Taro; Tjiputra, Jerry; Tsurushima, Nobuo; van Heuven, Steven; Vandemark, Doug; Vlahos, Penny; Wallace, Douglas WR; Wanninkhof, Rik; Watson, Andrew J (2014): Surface Ocean CO2 Atlas (SOCAT) V2. PANGAEA,     10.1594/PANGAEA.811776

    • Smith, S. R.,Lopez, N.,Bourassa, M. A. (2016) SAMOS air‐sea fluxes: 2005–2014. Geoscience Data Journal 3 pp9-19.     10.1002/gdj3.34

    IPT Resource

    • Collection data of Tethya irisae sp. nov. and comparative material, Great Australian Bight, Australia (Darwin Core Archive)     External link to reference

    • Global benthic biogeographical regions and macroecological drivers for ophiuroids [Data set] (Darwin Core Archive)     External link to reference

    • Trawl and Grab infaunal samples from the Great Australian Bight - Southern Surveyor voyage SS2010_T02 (2010) (Darwin Core Archive)     External link to reference

    Journal Article

    • Power, H. E.,Clarke, S. L. (2019) 3D seismic-derived bathymetry: a quantitative comparison with multibeam data. Geo-Marine Letters 39 pp447-467.     10.1007/s00367-019-00596-w

    • Richardson, L.E.,Middleton, J.F.,Kyser, T.K.,James, N.P.,Opdyke, B.N. (2019) Shallow water masses and their connectivity along the southern Australian continental margin. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 152 pp103083-.     10.1016/j.dsr.2019.103083

    • Sorokin, S J., Ekins, M G., Yang, Q., Cárdenas, P. (2019) A new deep-water Tethya (Porifera, Tethyida, Tethyidae) from the Great Australian Bight and an updated Tethyida phylogeny. European Journal of Taxonomy n. 529, June 2019.     10.5852/ejt.2019.529


    • Currie, D; Sorokin, Shirley J (2011): A preliminary assessment of the deepwater benthic communities of the Great Australian Bight Marine Park. Report to the South Australian Department of Environment and Natural Resources and the Commonwealth Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Populations and Communities, SARDI Aquatic Sciences Publication, Adelaide, F2011/000526-1     External link to reference

    Search for publications, reports and datasets from this and other voyages

    Data publishing

    This is a list of online datasets hosted by CSIRO. Other processed datasets hosted by collaborating organisations may be found on the 'Metadata' or "Reports, Publications and Maps' tab.
    Use the Get data link on the right to extract data using the NCMI Data Trawler.

    Data StreamData SummaryGet data
    ADCP Data
    Time (UTC): 2010-08-10 21:08 to 2010-08-19 12:08
    Latitude: -43.72 to -33.44
    Longitude: 114.67 to 146.14
    Ensembles: 1,233
    Depth per cell: 16 m
    Cells per ensemble: 50
    Ensemble period: 600 sec
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    ss2010_t02_ADCP processing report .pdf (authorisation required)

    Marine biodiversity observations and/or samples
    Latitude: -34.85 to -33.45
    Longitude: 130.69 to 130.71
    Depth range: 500 to 2000 m
    Occurrences: 132
    Taxa count: 104
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    CTD profile
    Time (UTC): 2010-08-12 05:08 to 2010-08-19 08:08
    Latitude: -43.31 to -33.79
    Longitude: 119.84 to 145.35
    Quantity: 5 Casts
    Max Pressure: 1002 db
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    Processing report: ss2010_t02ctd.doc

    Time (UTC): 2010-08-12 05:08 to 2010-08-19 08:08
    Latitude: -43.31 to -33.79
    Longitude: 119.84 to 145.35
    Quantity: 5 Casts
    Max Pressure: 1001.6 db
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    Multibeam echosounder
    Time (UTC): 2010-08-10 09:08 to 2010-08-19 23:08
    Latitude: -43.79 to -31.95
    Longitude: 114.67 to 147.49
    Datafiles: 261
    Total size: 3.29 Gb
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    Time (UTC): 2010-08-10 09:25 to 2010-08-19 21:59
    Latitude: -43.79 to -31.95
    Longitude: 114.67 to 147.50
    Observations: 8570
    External link - download datafile at IMOS
    Time (UTC): 2010-08-10 09:08 to 2010-08-19 22:08
    Latitude: -32.05
    Longitude: 115.73
    Track length: 3971.497 km
    Locations: 164,700
    Measurements: 3,939,248
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    XBT Profile
    Time (UTC): 2010-08-12 01:08 to 2010-08-12 01:08
    Latitude: -35.06 to -35.05
    Longitude: 119.29 to 119.31
    Quantity: 2 Casts
    Max Pressure: 1100.3 db
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    Events ordered by start time:- Click on column header to sort. Use link on 'When' to see full details. Use the CSV button at the bottom to export data.

    When (UTC) LatitudeLongitude InstrumentIdentifierActionLogSubject / Comments
    2010-08-17 16:43 [view ] -39.3900 139.3300 Argo float [view] 6988 deploy Owner: BOM 09/10 CTD Type: SBE 41 CP 2.0 Serial number: 3168
    2010-08-17 22:46 [view ] -40.0200 139.4400 Argo float [view] 6989 deploy Owner: BOM 09/10 CTD Type: SBE 41 CP 2.0 Serial number: 3169
    2010-08-18 23:51 [view ] -41.8000 142.5900 Argo float [view] 6990 deploy Owner: BOM 09/10 CTD Type: SBE 41 CP 2.0 Serial number: 3170
    2010-08-19 03:34 [view ] -43.0700 144.9000 Argo float [view] 6991 deploy Owner: BOM 09/10 CTD Type: SBE 41 CP 2.0 Serial number: 3174

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    Deployments by start time:- Click on column header to sort. Use link on 'Deployment' to see full details. Use the CSV button at the bottom to export data (tab delimited).

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    Deployment OperationStationCastGearProject Start and end timesStart LocationEnd LocationDepthDescription
    Underway System [details]   Air Temperature Sensor-HMT333,Barometer,Doppler speed log,Fluorometer WS3S-443P,Humidity Sensor-HMT333,IMOS Port Pyranometer-SN 35122F3,IMOS Port Radiometer-SN 35111F3,IMOS Stbd Pyranometer-SN 35123F3,IMOS Stbd Radiometer-SN 35093F3,IMOS rain gauge,IMOS rain gauge,IMOS wind monitor,IMOS wind monitor,Licor-UWQ 3708,RM Young 05106 wind monitor-75621,RM Young 05106 wind monitor-75621,RM Young 05106 wind monitor-75621,RM Young Rain Gauge,Remote Temperature (T)-SN 2621,Seapath 200,Seapath 200,Seapath 200,Simrad EK60 echosounder,ThermoSalinoGraph (TSG)-SS-SN 1777 2246 2010-08-10 09:15 2010-08-19 22:00 -32.0544 115.7342 -43.1303 147.4304
    Multibeam echosounder [details]   EM300 Multibeam Echosounder 2010-08-10 09:21 2010-08-19 23:01 -32.0568 115.7164 -43.0700 147.3956 5962.1
    ADCP Data [details]   RDI Ocean Surveyor Acoustic Doppler current profiler 2246 2010-08-10 21:26 2010-08-19 12:14 -33.7078 114.6664 -43.7181 146.1353 798
    XBT Cast [details]   Sippican Deep Blue 2391 2010-08-12 01:13 -35.0574 119.2933 1100.3
    XBT Cast [details]   Sippican Deep Blue 2391 2010-08-12 01:35 -35.0549 119.3123 1100.3
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details] 1   Cast 1 Altitude CTD 21-41023,CTD 21,Conductivity CTD 21-SN 2312,Fluorometer-CTD 21 -Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 21 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 21-SBE 43-SN 1794,Pressure CTD 21,Temperature CTD 21 - SN 4718,Transmissometer - CTD 21 -CST-1016DR 2246 2010-08-12 05:49 2010-08-12 06:31 -34.6858 119.8407 -34.6855 119.8419 1002
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details] 1   Cast 2 Altitude CTD 21-41023,CTD 21,Conductivity CTD 21-SN 2312,Fluorometer-CTD 21 -Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 21 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 21-SBE 43-SN 1794,Pressure CTD 21,Temperature CTD 21 - SN 4718,Transmissometer - CTD 21 -CST-1016DR 2246 2010-08-12 20:23 2010-08-12 21:03 -34.7105 122.5696 -34.7102 122.5700 950
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details] 1   Cast 3 Altitude CTD 21-41023,CTD 21,Conductivity CTD 21-SN 2312,Fluorometer-CTD 21 -Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 21 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 21-SBE 43-SN 1794,Pressure CTD 21,Temperature CTD 21 - SN 4718,Transmissometer - CTD 21 -CST-1016DR 2246 2010-08-15 03:47 2010-08-15 04:31 -33.7861 130.6887 -33.7939 130.6975 982
    ARGO float [details]   6988 2394 2010-08-17 16:43 -39.3900 139.3300 Owner: BOM 09/10 CTD Type: SBE 41 CP 2.0 Serial number: 3168
    ARGO float [details]   6989 2394 2010-08-17 22:46 -40.0200 139.4400 Owner: BOM 09/10 CTD Type: SBE 41 CP 2.0 Serial number: 3169
    ARGO float [details]   6990 2394 2010-08-18 23:51 -41.8000 142.5900 Owner: BOM 09/10 CTD Type: SBE 41 CP 2.0 Serial number: 3170
    ARGO float [details]   6991 2394 2010-08-19 03:34 -43.0700 144.9000 Owner: BOM 09/10 CTD Type: SBE 41 CP 2.0 Serial number: 3174
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details] 1   Cast 4 Altitude CTD 21-41023,CTD 21,Conductivity CTD 21-SN 2312,Fluorometer-CTD 21 -Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 21 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 21-SBE 43-SN 1794,Pressure CTD 21,Temperature CTD 21 - SN 4718,Transmissometer - CTD 21 -CST-1016DR 2246 2010-08-19 04:07 2010-08-19 04:52 -43.0818 144.9049 -43.0914 144.9031 1002
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details] 1   Cast 5 Altitude CTD 21-41023,CTD 21,Conductivity CTD 21-SN 2312,Fluorometer-CTD 21 -Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 21 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 21-SBE 43-SN 1794,Pressure CTD 21,Temperature CTD 21 - SN 4718,Transmissometer - CTD 21 -CST-1016DR 2246 2010-08-19 07:45 2010-08-19 08:23 -43.3109 145.3505 -43.3115 145.3541 998

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