Data Trawler - Survey Details

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Shantar voyage May-Oct 1974 (alternative identifier: SHAN197405)

Period: 1974-05-05 00:00 to 1974-10-28 00:00 Local

Duration: 176.00 days

Region: SW and W Australian waters

Ship: Shantar [details]

Description: Soviet exploratory fishing voyage in Australian waters, 1974. Biological data included in coverage of FRDC project 93/239: "Exchange and analysis of historical Soviet fishery survey data from the waters around Australia".

Project: Exchange and analysis of historical Soviet fishery data from the waters around Australia (FRDC project no. 93/239) 1996-1999 [details]

Voyage extents: 34° 44.9' S to 19° 19.1' S    112° 42.0' E to 159° 26.0' E

Marlin Metadata:-

  • Soviet Fishery Data (Australian Waters) - vessel Shantar May-October 1974 [details]

  • Metadata from OBIS Australia datasets:- biological data is published via the OBIS-AU IPT server and delivered to one or more of OBIS, ALA and GBIF

  • CSIRO, Soviet Fishery Data, Australia, 1965-1978

    Download from OBIS Australia IPT View at - Ocean Biodiversity Information System (OBIS)    Atlas of Living Australia (ALA)    GBIF

  • Participants:- no records

    Marine National Facility Reports - plans, summaries and data processing

    • There is no map for this survey.

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    Data StreamData SummaryGet data
    Marine biodiversity observations and/or samples
    Time (UTC): 1974-05-05 00:00 to 1974-10-28 00:00
    Latitude: -34.77 to -19.33
    Longitude: 112.69 to 159.41
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    Catch Details
    Time (UTC): 1974-05-05 00:05 to 1974-10-28 00:10
    Latitude: -34.75 to -19.32
    Longitude: 112.70 to 159.43
    Catch Summary:Deployments: 37
    Catch Composition: 455
    Measurements: 0
    Specimens: 0
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    >cfset depth_range = '400'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 340'> >cfset depth_range = '330'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 335'> >cfset depth_range = '140'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 140'> >cfset depth_range = '118'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 115'> >cfset depth_range = '70'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 69'> >cfset depth_range = '56'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 57'> >cfset depth_range = '60'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 60'> >cfset depth_range = '50'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 50'> >cfset depth_range = '50'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 52'> >cfset depth_range = '54'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 53'> >cfset depth_range = '188'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 175'> >cfset depth_range = '125'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 122'> >cfset depth_range = '135'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 145'> >cfset depth_range = '137'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 136'> >cfset depth_range = '122'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 118'> >cfset depth_range = '60'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 66'> >cfset depth_range = '77'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 90'> >cfset depth_range = '61'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 64'> >cfset depth_range = '105'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 105'> >cfset depth_range = '100'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 84'> >cfset depth_range = '70'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 67'> >cfset depth_range = '60'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 58'> >cfset depth_range = '58'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 68'> >cfset depth_range = '62'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 62'> >cfset depth_range = '60'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 58'> >cfset depth_range = '65'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 68'> >cfset depth_range = '72'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 73'> >cfset depth_range = '70'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 64'> >cfset depth_range = '62'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 58'> >cfset depth_range = '57'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 56'> >cfset depth_range = '56'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 58'> >cfset depth_range = '56'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 56'> >cfset depth_range = '42'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 41'> >cfset depth_range = '52'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 58'> >cfset depth_range = '70'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 74'> >cfset depth_range = '104'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 120'> >cfset depth_range = '198'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 205'>
    Deployment OperationStationCastGearProject Start and end timesStart LocationEnd LocationDepth rangeMax DepthDescription
    Catch [details] 12   1212 1974-05-05 00:00 1974-05-05 00:00 -23.1853 159.4333 -23.1500 159.3842 400
    Catch [details] 166   1212 1974-10-17 00:00 1974-10-17 00:00 -34.7486 114.7500 -34.8000 114.7339 335
    Catch [details] 167   1212 1974-10-18 00:00 1974-10-18 00:00 -33.3522 114.6183 -33.5672 114.6183 140
    Catch [details] 168   1212 1974-10-20 00:00 1974-10-20 00:00 -25.4858 112.7000 -25.4344 112.6858 118
    Catch [details] 169   1212 1974-10-20 00:00 1974-10-20 00:00 -24.5847 112.8853 -24.5356 112.9019 70
    Catch [details] 170   1212 1974-10-21 00:00 1974-10-21 00:00 -24.5175 113.1347 -24.4678 113.1008 57
    Catch [details] 171   1212 1974-10-21 00:00 1974-10-21 00:00 -24.5000 113.0344 -24.4506 113.1181 60
    Catch [details] 172   1212 1974-10-21 00:00 1974-10-21 00:00 -24.4842 113.1833 -24.3856 113.1836 50
    Catch [details] 173   1212 1974-10-21 00:00 1974-10-21 00:00 -24.4011 113.1836 -24.4350 113.1503 52
    Catch [details] 174   1212 1974-10-21 00:00 1974-10-21 00:00 -24.4339 113.1353 -24.4011 113.1356 54
    Catch [details] 175   1212 1974-10-24 00:00 1974-10-24 00:00 -20.5333 114.8333 -20.6000 114.8175 188
    Catch [details] 176   1212 1974-10-25 00:00 1974-10-25 00:00 -19.5333 116.0514 -19.4856 116.1006 125
    Catch [details] 177   1212 1974-10-25 00:00 1974-10-25 00:00 -19.3514 116.3167 -19.3172 116.3678 145
    Catch [details] 178   1212 1974-10-25 00:00 1974-10-25 00:00 -19.3178 116.5172 -19.3333 116.5833 137
    Catch [details] 179   1212 1974-10-25 00:00 1974-10-25 00:00 -19.3333 116.8022 -19.4000 116.8022 122
    Catch [details] 180   1212 1974-10-25 00:00 1974-10-25 00:00 -19.5000 116.8022 66
    Catch [details] 181   1212 1974-10-25 00:00 1974-10-25 00:00 -19.5000 116.5839 90
    Catch [details] 182   1212 1974-10-25 00:00 1974-10-25 00:00 -19.6689 116.5006 -19.6169 116.5006 64
    Catch [details] 183   1212 1974-10-26 00:00 1974-10-26 00:00 -19.5000 116.3514 -19.5192 116.3000 105
    Catch [details] 184   1212 1974-10-26 00:00 1974-10-26 00:00 -19.6189 116.1517 -19.6667 116.1003 100
    Catch [details] 185   1212 1974-10-26 00:00 1974-10-26 00:00 -19.6675 116.2839 -19.6667 116.3508 70
    Catch [details] 186   1212 1974-10-26 00:00 1974-10-26 00:00 -19.6667 116.5186 60
    Catch [details] 187   1212 1974-10-26 00:00 1974-10-26 00:00 -19.6667 116.8022 -19.7181 116.8022 68
    Catch [details] 188   1212 1974-10-26 00:00 1974-10-26 00:00 -19.8333 116.8022 62
    Catch [details] 189   1212 1974-10-26 00:00 1974-10-26 00:00 -19.8333 116.6339 60
    Catch [details] 190   1212 1974-10-27 00:00 1974-10-27 00:00 -19.8333 116.3514 68
    Catch [details] 191   1212 1974-10-27 00:00 1974-10-27 00:00 -19.8333 116.1683 73
    Catch [details] 192   1212 1974-10-27 00:00 1974-10-27 00:00 -19.8858 116.0858 -19.9514 116.0858 70
    Catch [details] 193   1212 1974-10-27 00:00 1974-10-27 00:00 -20.0336 116.0858 -20.1000 116.0858 62
    Catch [details] 194   1212 1974-10-27 00:00 1974-10-27 00:00 -20.0000 116.3167 57
    Catch [details] 195   1212 1974-10-27 00:00 1974-10-27 00:00 -20.0000 116.5333 58
    Catch [details] 196   1212 1974-10-27 00:00 1974-10-27 00:00 -20.0014 116.7192 56
    Catch [details] 197   1212 1974-10-28 00:00 1974-10-28 00:00 -20.3333 115.9181 -20.3667 115.8692 42
    Catch [details] 198   1212 1974-10-28 00:00 1974-10-28 00:00 -20.2178 115.8333 -20.1667 115.8178 58
    Catch [details] 199   1212 1974-10-28 00:00 1974-10-28 00:00 -20.0000 115.8356 -19.9339 115.8192 74
    Catch [details] 200   1212 1974-10-28 00:00 1974-10-28 00:00 -19.8178 115.8353 -19.7669 115.8686 120
    Catch [details] 201   1212 1974-10-28 00:00 1974-10-28 00:00 -19.5853 115.8014 -19.5514 115.8678 205

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