Data Trawler - Survey Details

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Survey details and related metadata, reports, events and data.

KL 2 [1981] (alternative identifier: KL198102)

Period: 1981-06-07 00:00 to 1981-06-13 00:00 Local

Duration: 6.00 days

Region: Timor Sea

Ship: Kalinda [details]

Description: Kalinda fishing research voyage KL 2/1981 was conducted in the Arafura Sea. Observers aboard included: Jong J - NTF Lees A - NTF Mellon C - NTF *Timms G - NTF Walter D - DPI Wiley P - CSIRO

Project: none linked to this survey.

Map extents: 50° 00.0' S to 0° 00.0' N    95° 00.0' E to 180° 00.0' E

Metadata - No Marlin metadata records found or has not been linked to this survey or potentially the metadata catalogue is offline.

Participants:- no records

Marine National Facility Reports - plans, summaries and data processing

  • There is no map for this survey.

Search for publications, reports and datasets from this and other voyages

Data publishing - No datasets have been published

Deployments - None have been recorded in the Data Trawler.

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