Data Trawler - Survey Details

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FR 02/2001 (alternative identifier: FR200102)    - is a Marine National Facility voyage

Period: 2001-02-15 00:00 to 2001-03-05 00:00 Local

Duration: 18.00 days

From: Adelaide To: Hobart

Region: South Australia Coast off Adelaide

Ship: Franklin [details]

Description: During research voyage FR02/2001 R/V Franklin will use its SeaSoar in a study of small scale mixing processes in the Subtropical Front south of Australia.
There are four principal objectives:
1.To determine the relationship between thermohaline structures and density compensation in the Subtropical Front.
2.To determine the influence of density compensation on vertical mixing.
3.To determine the influence of changing surface wind stress on horizontal advection and vertical mixing.
4.To determine the temporal scales of interleaving events in the Subtropical Front.

Leader: M Tomczak (Flinders University)

Project: National Facility External Users: M. Tomczak (Flinders University) [details]

Voyage extents: 43° 47.9' S to 34° 46.6' S    138° 01.9' E to 147° 29.9' E Get voyage track shapefile Get CSV

Marlin Metadata:-

  • CSIRO Oceans & Atmosphere: RV Franklin SeaSoar Data Overview (1988 - 2002) [details]

  • Franklin Voyage FR 02/2001 ADCP Data [details]

  • Franklin Voyage FR 02/2001 CTD Data [details]

  • Franklin Voyage FR 02/2001 Hydrology Data [details]

  • Franklin Voyage FR 02/2001 Underway Data + TSG [details]

  • Metadata from OBIS Australia datasets:- biological data is published via the OBIS-AU IPT server and delivered to one or more of OBIS, ALA and GBIF

  • Seabird observations in Australian and adjacent seas from voyages of the RV Franklin, RV Southern Surveyor, Southern Supporter and RV Aurora Australis (1988-2012)

    Download from OBIS Australia IPT View at - Ocean Biodiversity Information System (OBIS)    Atlas of Living Australia (ALA)    GBIF

  • Participants - on ship:-

    Aneurin Henry-James Flinders University
    Charles James Flinders University
    Gary Critchley Hydrochemistry CSIRO Marine Research
    Kevin Miller Moorings CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research
    Lindsay Pender Cruise Manager CSIRO Marine Research
    Matthias Tomczak Chief Investigator Flinders University
    Phil Adams Electronics CSIRO Marine Research
    Roger Matthews Flinders University

    This list includes those that may have only been on part of the voyage. See voyage reports on 'Reports and Maps' tab for details.

    Marine National Facility Reports - plans, summaries and data processing

    Publications, reports and datasets from this voyage.

    IPT Resource

    • Seabird observations in Australian and adjacent seas from voyages of the RV Franklin, RV Southern Surveyor, Southern Supporter and RV Aurora Australis (1988-2012) (Darwin Core Archive)     External link to reference

    Search for publications, reports and datasets from this and other voyages

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    This is a list of online datasets hosted by CSIRO. Other processed datasets hosted by collaborating organisations may be found on the 'Metadata' or "Reports, Publications and Maps' tab.
    Use the Get data link on the right to extract data using the NCMI Data Trawler.

    Data StreamData SummaryGet data
    ADCP Data
    From: 16-Feb-2001 01:00 to 5-Mar-2001 14:40
    Latitude: -43.80 to -34.96
    Longitude: 138.04 to 147.12
    Ensembles: 1,258
    Depth per cell: 8 m
    Cells per ensemble: 50
    Ensemble period: 1200
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    Marine biodiversity observations and/or samples
    Time (UTC): 2001-02-18 08:00 to 2001-03-05 10:00
    Latitude: -42.52 to -39.68
    Longitude: 141.02 to 144.00
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    CTD profile
    From: 17-Feb-2001 13:36 to 2-Mar-2001 03:56 UTC
    Latitude: -41.33 to -39.66
    Longitude: 141.00 to 142.40
    Quantity: 14 Casts
    Max Pressure: 1504 db
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    From: 17-Feb-2001 13:36 to 2-Mar-2001 03:56 UTC
    Latitude: -41.33 to -39.66
    Longitude: 141.00 to 142.40
    Quantity: 14 Casts
    Max Pressure: 1502 db
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    Processing report for this dataset

    Towed CTD
    From: 17-Feb-2001 15:15 to 4-Mar-2001 10:04 UTC
    Latitude: -41.33 to -39.61
    Longitude: 140.90 to 142.61
    Tows: 85
    Duration: 291.58 hours
    Data points: 32,814
    Maximum Depth: 231.00 m
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    Download FR200102 Seasoar data

    From: 2001-02-15 00:00 to 2001-03-05 23:59 UTC
    Latitude: -34.78 to -42.95
    Longitude: 138.48 to 147.38
    Track length: 6280.755 km
    Locations: 25,795
    Measurements: 92,251
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    Deployment OperationStationCastGearProject Start and end timesStart LocationEnd LocationDepth rangeMax DepthDescription
    Underway System [details]   Anemometer,Anemometer,Anemometer,Barometer,Gyro-MK 10,Humidity probe,Licor-UWQ 4653,RIMCO vane driving potentiometer,RIMCO vane driving potentiometer,Ships log,Simrad EA500 Echosounder,Temperature sensor-AD590J,ThermoSalinoGraph (TSG)-Franklin,ThermoSalinoGraph (TSG)-Franklin 124 2001-02-15 00:00 2001-03-05 23:59 -34.7762 138.4820 -42.9452 147.3760
    ADCP Data [details]   RDI VM-150 Acoustic Doppler current profiler 124 2001-02-16 01:00 2001-03-05 14:40 -34.9610 138.3050 -43.6850 147.1230 376.8
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details] 1   Cast 1 CTD 20 - SN 0552,Conductivity CTD 20-SN 2312,Oxygen CTD 20-Becman 527,Pressure CTD 20-SN 75638,Temperature CTD 20-SN 2466 124 2001-02-17 13:36 2001-02-17 14:33 -40.0030 140.9981 -40.0053 140.9957 1502
    Towed CTD [details]   SeaSoar 124 2001-02-17 15:15 2001-02-17 18:28 -40.0153 141.0062 -40.4458 141.1502 213 Leg: 02
    Towed CTD [details]   SeaSoar 124 2001-02-17 18:32 2001-02-17 23:20 -40.4543 141.1530 -41.0607 141.3545 203.7 Leg: 03
    Towed CTD [details]   SeaSoar 124 2001-02-17 23:21 2001-02-18 01:37 -41.0638 141.3558 -41.3403 141.4572 203 Leg: 04
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details] 1   Cast 2 CTD 20 - SN 0552,Conductivity CTD 20-SN 2312,Oxygen CTD 20-Becman 527,Pressure CTD 20-SN 75638,Temperature CTD 20-SN 2466 124 2001-02-18 02:28 2001-02-18 03:24 -41.3335 141.4552 -41.3305 141.4516 1502
    Towed CTD [details]   SeaSoar 124 2001-02-18 04:03 2001-02-18 08:45 -41.3285 141.4588 -40.7272 141.7940 202 Leg: 06
    Towed CTD [details]   SeaSoar 124 2001-02-18 08:50 2001-02-18 12:39 -40.7158 141.8000 -40.2560 142.0450 203 Leg: 07
    Towed CTD [details]   SeaSoar 124 2001-02-18 12:43 2001-02-18 16:32 -40.2482 142.0493 -39.8158 142.2690 202 Leg: 08
    Towed CTD [details]   SeaSoar 124 2001-02-18 16:37 2001-02-18 20:09 -39.8160 142.2553 -39.8170 141.6767 202 Leg: 09
    Towed CTD [details]   SeaSoar 124 2001-02-18 20:13 2001-02-18 21:20 -39.8185 141.6650 -39.9695 141.6678 202 Leg: 10
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details] 1   Cast 3 CTD 20 - SN 0552,Conductivity CTD 20-SN 2312,Oxygen CTD 20-Becman 527,Pressure CTD 20-SN 75638,Temperature CTD 20-SN 2466 124 2001-02-19 02:33 2001-02-19 03:32 -40.5015 141.6651 -40.5032 141.6623 1502
    Towed CTD [details]   SeaSoar 124 2001-02-19 05:30 2001-02-19 06:10 -40.4958 141.6058 -40.4967 141.5162 139 Leg: 12
    Towed CTD [details]   SeaSoar 124 2001-02-19 06:18 2001-02-19 10:00 -40.4968 141.4975 -40.2773 141.5692 202 Leg: 13
    Towed CTD [details]   SeaSoar 124 2001-02-19 10:06 2001-02-19 14:01 -40.2687 141.5800 -40.6120 141.6608 202 Leg: 14
    Towed CTD [details]   SeaSoar 124 2001-02-19 14:04 2001-02-19 15:04 -40.6190 141.6605 -40.7453 141.6535 201 Leg: 15
    Towed CTD [details]   SeaSoar 124 2001-02-19 15:15 2001-02-19 18:20 -40.7680 141.6545 -40.4870 142.0238 201 Leg: 16
    Towed CTD [details]   SeaSoar 124 2001-02-19 18:28 2001-02-19 19:04 -40.4748 142.0387 -40.4675 141.9458 202 Leg: 17
    Towed CTD [details]   SeaSoar 124 2001-02-19 19:16 2001-02-19 23:02 -40.4682 141.9120 -40.4510 141.2462 203 Leg: 18
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details] 1   Cast 4 CTD 20 - SN 0552,Conductivity CTD 20-SN 2312,Oxygen CTD 20-Becman 527,Pressure CTD 20-SN 75638,Temperature CTD 20-SN 2466 124 2001-02-20 00:01 2001-02-20 00:58 -40.4533 141.2427 1502
    Towed CTD [details]   SeaSoar 124 2001-02-20 01:14 2001-02-20 03:54 -40.4605 141.2443 -40.7383 141.6207 201 Leg: 19
    Towed CTD [details]   SeaSoar 124 2001-02-20 03:59 2001-02-20 08:28 -40.7435 141.6352 -40.1413 141.6288 202 Leg: 20
    Towed CTD [details]   SeaSoar 124 2001-02-20 08:31 2001-02-20 11:50 -40.1342 141.6292 -40.4318 142.0225 202 Leg: 21
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details] 1   Cast 5 CTD 20 - SN 0552,Conductivity CTD 20-SN 2312,Oxygen CTD 20-Becman 527,Pressure CTD 20-SN 75638,Temperature CTD 20-SN 2466 124 2001-02-20 12:22 2001-02-20 13:18 -40.4234 142.0094 -40.4175 141.9975 1502
    Towed CTD [details]   SeaSoar 124 2001-02-20 14:23 2001-02-20 19:18 -40.4222 141.9032 -40.4160 141.0523 202 Leg: 23
    Towed CTD [details]   SeaSoar 124 2001-02-20 19:22 2001-02-20 23:50 -40.4152 141.0423 -39.9925 141.6007 201 Leg: 24
    Towed CTD [details]   SeaSoar 124 2001-02-20 23:56 2001-02-21 06:08 -39.9872 141.6142 -40.7538 141.6107 202 Leg: 25
    Towed CTD [details]   SeaSoar 124 2001-02-21 06:12 2001-02-21 06:55 -40.7622 141.6112 -40.8457 141.6118 202 Leg: 26
    Towed CTD [details]   SeaSoar 124 2001-02-21 07:00 2001-02-21 11:42 -40.8518 141.6198 -40.4290 142.1682 201 Leg: 27
    Towed CTD [details]   SeaSoar 124 2001-02-21 11:48 2001-02-21 17:46 -40.4212 142.1790 -40.4198 141.2068 202 Leg: 28
    Towed CTD [details]   SeaSoar 124 2001-02-21 17:50 2001-02-21 18:50 -40.4198 141.1965 -40.4133 141.0433 231 Leg: 29
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details] 1   Cast 6 CTD 20 - SN 0552,Conductivity CTD 20-SN 2312,Oxygen CTD 20-Becman 527,Pressure CTD 20-SN 75638,Temperature CTD 20-SN 2466 124 2001-02-21 20:22 2001-02-21 21:21 -40.4161 141.0459 -40.4059 141.0553 1502
    Towed CTD [details]   SeaSoar 124 2001-02-21 21:47 2001-02-22 02:38 -40.3753 141.0535 -40.8387 141.5985 202 Leg: 31
    Towed CTD [details]   SeaSoar 124 2001-02-22 02:45 2001-02-22 07:03 -40.8463 141.6123 -40.2633 141.6243 201 Leg: 32
    Towed CTD [details]   SeaSoar 124 2001-02-22 08:31 2001-02-22 11:44 -40.1898 141.5440 -39.7853 141.5520 201 Leg: 34
    Towed CTD [details]   SeaSoar 124 2001-02-22 11:50 2001-02-22 16:42 -39.7722 141.5532 -40.1728 142.1273 201 Leg: 35
    Towed CTD [details]   SeaSoar 124 2001-02-22 16:46 2001-02-22 21:25 -40.1745 142.1158 -40.1563 141.3445 201 Leg: 36
    Towed CTD [details]   SeaSoar 124 2001-02-22 21:29 2001-02-22 23:15 -40.1567 141.3295 -40.1615 140.9887 201 Leg: 37
    Towed CTD [details]   SeaSoar 124 2001-02-22 23:19 2001-02-23 04:28 -40.1593 140.9783 -39.7093 141.5772 202 Leg: 38
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details] 1   Cast 7 CTD 20 - SN 0552,Conductivity CTD 20-SN 2312,Oxygen CTD 20-Becman 527,Pressure CTD 20-SN 75638,Temperature CTD 20-SN 2466 124 2001-02-23 06:35 2001-02-23 07:28 -39.7272 141.5562 -39.7348 141.5607 1502
    Towed CTD [details]   SeaSoar 124 2001-02-23 08:26 2001-02-23 14:38 -39.7413 141.5557 -40.5505 141.5408 201 Leg: 40
    Towed CTD [details]   SeaSoar 124 2001-02-23 14:45 2001-02-23 16:54 -40.5655 141.5410 -40.3797 141.8058 201 Leg: 41
    Towed CTD [details]   SeaSoar 124 2001-02-23 17:49 2001-02-23 20:41 -40.4015 141.7947 -40.1455 142.0993 201 Leg: 42
    Towed CTD [details]   SeaSoar 124 2001-02-23 20:47 2001-02-24 01:46 -40.1363 142.0970 -40.1305 141.2345 201 Leg: 43
    Towed CTD [details]   SeaSoar 124 2001-02-24 01:50 2001-02-24 02:53 -40.1305 141.2235 -40.1300 141.0355 201 Leg: 44
    Towed CTD [details]   SeaSoar 124 2001-02-24 02:59 2001-02-24 08:33 -40.1298 141.0178 -40.5993 141.5313 202 Leg: 45
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details] 1   Cast 8 CTD 20 - SN 0552,Conductivity CTD 20-SN 2312,Oxygen CTD 20-Becman 527,Pressure CTD 20-SN 75638,Temperature CTD 20-SN 2466 124 2001-02-24 09:30 2001-02-24 10:24 -40.5627 141.4932 -40.5568 141.4923 1504
    Towed CTD [details]   SeaSoar 124 2001-02-24 10:53 2001-02-24 15:45 -40.5428 141.4918 -39.9202 141.4783 202 Leg: 47
    Towed CTD [details]   SeaSoar 124 2001-02-24 15:51 2001-02-24 17:47 -39.9075 141.4782 -39.6737 141.4712 202 Leg: 48
    Towed CTD [details]   SeaSoar 124 2001-02-24 17:53 2001-02-24 22:12 -39.6613 141.4728 -40.0812 142.0350 201 Leg: 49
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details] 1   Cast 9 CTD 20 - SN 0552,Conductivity CTD 20-SN 2312,Oxygen CTD 20-Becman 527,Pressure CTD 20-SN 75638,Temperature CTD 20-SN 2466 124 2001-02-24 23:05 2001-02-25 00:01 -40.0882 142.0439 -40.0827 142.0546 1504
    Towed CTD [details]   SeaSoar 124 2001-02-25 00:26 2001-02-25 05:38 -40.0848 142.0475 -40.0880 141.0940 201 Leg: 51
    Towed CTD [details]   SeaSoar 124 2001-02-25 05:43 2001-02-25 06:27 -40.0882 141.0757 -40.0880 140.9287 202 Leg: 52
    Towed CTD [details]   SeaSoar 124 2001-02-25 06:30 2001-02-25 09:13 -40.0878 140.9173 -39.8427 141.2322 202 Leg: 53
    Towed CTD [details]   SeaSoar 124 2001-02-25 09:20 2001-02-25 11:10 -39.8305 141.2482 -39.6658 141.4708 201 Leg: 54
    Towed CTD [details]   SeaSoar 124 2001-02-25 11:14 2001-02-25 15:26 -39.6588 141.4797 -40.2397 141.4537 202 Leg: 55
    Towed CTD [details]   SeaSoar 124 2001-02-25 15:32 2001-02-25 18:22 -40.2532 141.4537 -40.5955 141.4535 203 Leg: 56
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details] 1   Cast 10 CTD 20 - SN 0552,Conductivity CTD 20-SN 2312,Oxygen CTD 20-Becman 527,Pressure CTD 20-SN 75638,Temperature CTD 20-SN 2466 124 2001-02-25 19:11 2001-02-25 20:05 -40.5530 141.4536 -40.5501 141.4498 1498
    Towed CTD [details]   SeaSoar 124 2001-02-25 20:24 2001-02-26 00:49 -40.5425 141.4653 -40.1305 142.0095 202 Leg: 58
    Towed CTD [details]   SeaSoar 124 2001-02-26 00:54 2001-02-26 04:37 -40.1218 142.0192 -40.1257 141.3808 202 Leg: 59
    Towed CTD [details]   SeaSoar 124 2001-02-26 05:01 2001-02-26 07:14 -40.1248 141.3115 -40.1233 140.9210 203 Leg: 60
    Towed CTD [details]   SeaSoar 124 2001-02-26 07:20 2001-02-26 11:59 -40.1240 140.9023 -40.5437 141.4588 203 Leg: 61
    Towed CTD [details]   SeaSoar 124 2001-02-26 12:05 2001-02-26 14:57 -40.5518 141.4720 -40.1643 141.4792 204 Leg: 62
    Towed CTD [details]   SeaSoar 124 2001-02-26 15:04 2001-02-26 18:47 -40.1485 141.4830 -39.6702 141.5455 203 Leg: 63
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details] 1   Cast 11 CTD 20 - SN 0552,Conductivity CTD 20-SN 2312,Oxygen CTD 20-Becman 527,Pressure CTD 20-SN 75638,Temperature CTD 20-SN 2466 124 2001-02-26 20:04 2001-02-26 20:58 -39.6528 141.5446 -39.6602 141.5415 1502
    Towed CTD [details]   SeaSoar 124 2001-02-26 23:09 2001-02-27 03:12 -39.6552 141.5427 -40.0795 142.1022 201 Leg: 66
    Towed CTD [details]   SeaSoar 124 2001-02-27 03:15 2001-02-27 07:50 -40.0850 142.1090 -40.0797 141.3407 201 Leg: 67
    Towed CTD [details]   SeaSoar 124 2001-02-27 07:56 2001-02-27 10:15 -40.0788 141.3252 -39.8717 141.5895 201 Leg: 68
    Towed CTD [details]   SeaSoar 124 2001-02-27 10:20 2001-02-27 11:49 -39.8650 141.5990 -40.0528 141.6015 201 Leg: 69
    Towed CTD [details]   SeaSoar 124 2001-02-27 12:12 2001-02-27 13:39 -40.1043 141.6018 -40.2842 141.6093 202 Leg: 70
    Towed CTD [details]   SeaSoar 124 2001-02-27 19:07 2001-02-27 22:56 -40.2623 141.5833 -40.7202 141.6487 203 Leg: 72
    Towed CTD [details]   SeaSoar 124 2001-02-27 23:01 2001-02-28 05:12 -40.7117 141.6603 -40.1343 142.4115 202 Leg: 73
    Towed CTD [details]   SeaSoar 124 2001-02-28 05:19 2001-02-28 05:56 -40.1247 142.4250 -40.0738 142.4977 201 Leg: 74
    Towed CTD [details]   SeaSoar 124 2001-02-28 06:01 2001-02-28 12:16 -40.0662 142.5093 -40.0482 141.4558 202 Leg: 75
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details] 1   Cast 12 CTD 20 - SN 0552,Conductivity CTD 20-SN 2312,Oxygen CTD 20-Becman 527,Pressure CTD 20-SN 75638,Temperature CTD 20-SN 2466 124 2001-02-28 12:59 2001-02-28 13:52 -40.0528 141.4610 -40.0579 141.4679 1502
    Towed CTD [details]   SeaSoar 124 2001-02-28 14:20 2001-02-28 16:56 -40.0557 141.4608 -39.8473 141.7615 201 Leg: 77
    Towed CTD [details]   SeaSoar 124 2001-02-28 17:00 2001-02-28 21:29 -39.8577 141.7592 -40.4495 141.7552 202 Leg: 78
    Towed CTD [details]   SeaSoar 124 2001-02-28 21:33 2001-02-28 23:43 -40.4427 141.7633 -40.2427 142.0242 202 Leg: 79
    Towed CTD [details]   SeaSoar 124 2001-02-28 23:51 2001-03-01 01:37 -40.2298 142.0407 -40.0645 142.2557 202 Leg: 80
    Towed CTD [details]   SeaSoar 124 2001-03-01 01:44 2001-03-01 07:29 -40.0515 142.2608 -40.0777 141.3045 201 Leg: 81
    Towed CTD [details]   SeaSoar 124 2001-03-01 07:33 2001-03-01 11:29 -40.0850 141.3148 -40.4613 141.8292 202 Leg: 82
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details] 1   Cast 13 CTD 20 - SN 0552,Conductivity CTD 20-SN 2312,Oxygen CTD 20-Becman 527,Pressure CTD 20-SN 75638,Temperature CTD 20-SN 2466 124 2001-03-01 13:12 2001-03-01 14:05 -40.4649 141.8384 -40.4626 141.8431 1500
    Towed CTD [details]   SeaSoar 124 2001-03-01 14:40 2001-03-01 18:26 -40.4550 141.8347 -39.9365 141.8337 202 Leg: 84
    Towed CTD [details]   SeaSoar 124 2001-03-01 18:33 2001-03-01 20:52 -39.9213 141.8340 -39.6062 141.8357 201 Leg: 85
    Towed CTD [details]   SeaSoar 124 2001-03-01 20:57 2001-03-02 01:16 -39.5958 141.8392 -40.0222 142.3877 201 Leg: 86
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details] 1   Cast 14 CTD 20 - SN 0552,Conductivity CTD 20-SN 2312,Oxygen CTD 20-Becman 527,Pressure CTD 20-SN 75638,Temperature CTD 20-SN 2466 124 2001-03-02 03:03 2001-03-02 03:56 -40.0332 142.4029 -40.0301 142.4028 1502
    Towed CTD [details]   SeaSoar 124 2001-03-02 04:32 2001-03-02 04:45 -40.0340 142.3883 -40.0333 142.3507 201 Leg: 88
    Towed CTD [details]   SeaSoar 124 2001-03-02 04:54 2001-03-02 07:00 -40.0327 142.3223 -40.0762 142.0167 201 Leg: 89
    Towed CTD [details]   SeaSoar 124 2001-03-02 07:05 2001-03-02 10:04 -40.0847 142.0248 -40.0817 141.4758 201 Leg: 90
    Towed CTD [details]   SeaSoar 124 2001-03-02 10:11 2001-03-02 14:13 -40.0810 141.4557 -39.6965 141.9608 201 Leg: 91
    Towed CTD [details]   SeaSoar 124 2001-03-02 14:17 2001-03-02 14:40 -39.6898 141.9697 -39.6545 142.0162 201 Leg: 92
    Towed CTD [details]   SeaSoar 124 2001-03-02 14:44 2001-03-02 20:55 -39.6500 142.0233 -40.4925 142.0363 202 Leg: 93
    Towed CTD [details]   SeaSoar 124 2001-03-03 00:47 2001-03-03 03:40 -40.0865 142.0772 -40.0872 142.6113 201 Leg: 95
    Towed CTD [details]   SeaSoar 124 2001-03-03 03:44 2001-03-03 07:53 -40.0862 142.6250 -39.6640 142.0740 201 Leg: 96
    Towed CTD [details]   SeaSoar 124 2001-03-03 07:59 2001-03-03 13:47 -39.6553 142.0592 -40.4235 142.0528 202 Leg: 97
    Towed CTD [details]   SeaSoar 124 2001-03-03 13:52 2001-03-03 14:28 -40.4330 142.0530 -40.5133 142.0555 201 Leg: 98
    Towed CTD [details]   SeaSoar 124 2001-03-03 14:34 2001-03-03 20:42 -40.5232 142.0480 -39.9540 141.3148 202 Leg: 99
    Towed CTD [details]   SeaSoar 124 2001-03-03 23:46 2001-03-04 03:22 -39.6833 141.6675 -40.1758 141.6640 201 Leg: 100
    Towed CTD [details]   SeaSoar 124 2001-03-04 03:26 2001-03-04 09:01 -40.1863 141.6640 -40.9607 141.6650 201 Leg: 101
    Towed CTD [details]   SeaSoar 124 2001-03-04 09:08 2001-03-04 10:04 -40.9757 141.6648 -41.0967 141.6630 201 Leg: 102

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