Data Trawler - Event Details

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Event details

Voyage: IN2015_E01       [details]
Subject: 6th Launch
When: 0008-03-07 10:30:37 UTC

- entered into Elog/Everlog as 2/9/2015 00:30:37 UTC
Log: in2015_e01_Balloon_deployment_log
Equipment: Balloon deployment
Station/Location: 65.0129oS 146.019 E
Position: Position not recorded in Elog/Everlog.
Action: Polarsonde - 600g
Event time:37 2015 UTC
Second sonde connected 11:37am UTC.

RS D2733920

Press 979hPa, Temp -1.1o, Humidity 60%, Wind Dir 136o, Wind speed 0-1.5 Knots.

Second sonde connected 11:56pm, disconnected 12:11am, sonde launched at 12:30:37am UTC.

Very still conditions, southernmost launch, balloon went straight up. GPS signal dropped out at launch. Polarsonde blanked for 1 minute once connected to balloon.

Balloon reached 31 km. Polarsonde 10 - had thermistor.

(E0914322 failed - faulty battery connection - fixed for later launch 9)

65.0129oS, 146.019 E

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