Data Trawler - Event Details

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Event details

Voyage: IN2015_E01       [details]
Subject: 3rd Launch - Polarsonde failed
When: 0007-12-06 13:22:27 UTC

- entered into Elog/Everlog as 2/6/2015 03:22:27 UTC
Log: in2015_e01_Balloon_deployment_log
Equipment: Balloon deployment
Station/Location: 58o 08.3' S 145o 32.192'
Position: Position not recorded in Elog/Everlog.
Action: Polarsonde - 600g
Event time:27 2015
Temp 5.1oC /15.5 oC, ;Press 994.6hPa, Hum:285o, wind speed 20.1 knots 
Preparation start time:21
Launch time 03:27 UTC

RS RS92_SGPW, E0914223

Temp 5.1oC /15.5 oC, Press 994.6hPa, Hum: 100%, Wind dir: 285o, wind speed 20.1 knots

Preparation start time: 02:21

Launch time 03:22:27 UTC

Robyn radiosonde, Dougie balloon.

Balloon reached 34 km - polarsonde 22 failed - loose connection LED was not continuous before launch. Foggy conditions, particle counts were fluctuating, a NPF event was seen later in the evening.

58o08.3', 145o 32.192' E

875g of weights used + 500g of nozzle.

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