Data Trawler - Event Details

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Event details

Voyage: IN2015_E01       [details]
Subject: cals & daily checks of aerosol monitors
When: 2015-01-31 21:28:00 UTC

- entered into Elog/Everlog as 1/31/2015 9:28 PM
Log: IN2015_e01
Equipment: Other

Profiling Lagrangian Acoustic Optical System [view]
Station/Location: aerosol lab
Position: Latitude: -42.9493 Longitude: 147.394 Position from underway logging
Action: Air Sampling
Cals run on samples:1295 - 1296 long SMPS; 1358 nano SMPS
Long SMPS:mode = 113.4 nm, median = 113.5 nm after adjustments.
NB. Lines had been left open overnight after daily checks and instruments were sampling lab air since ~ 01:45 1/31/2015 UTC
Daily checks done 22:58 1/31/2015 UTC

PDL calibrations on SMPSs

No fresh PSL available, used old stuff, not suitable for nano SMPS.

Cals run on samples: 1295 - 1296 long SMPS; 1358 nano SMPS

Time delay was 2.43s, adjusted to 4.5s

Long SMPS: mode = 113.4 nm, median = 113.5 nm after adjustments.

NB. Lines had been left open overnight after daily checks and instruments were sampling lab air since ~ 01:45 1/31/2015 UTC

Daily checks done 22:22 - 22:58 1/31/2015 UTC

Lines reconnected on sample 1305 Long SMPS, 1367 nano

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