Data Trawler - Event Details

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Event details

Voyage: IN2015_E01       [details]
Subject: Air Inlet flow adjustment
When: 2015-01-30 08:17:46 UTC
Log: IN2015_e01
Equipment: Voyage
Position: Latitude: -43.5209 Longitude: 147.7378 Position from underway logging
Action: Air Sampling

1800 AEDT, Air inlet blower fan speed adjusted to 30Hz (from 55Hz) to reduce air flow rate and reduce negative pressure in system.

Measurements at the test port in the Aerosol lab conducted 29/1/15 1130AEDT found a flow of 42m/s. This equates to a volumetric flow of 1800L/min. This flow is too high and may cause turbulence in the aerosol section of the system. It also produced too much negative pressure in the system, preventing the VHTDMA from sampling properly.

Reducing blower fan speed to 30Hz produced a measured flow of 22-23m/s at test port, which equates to 1000L/min flow in aerosol inlet tube. It has also rectified the issue with the VH-TDMA.


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