Data Trawler - Event Details

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Event details

Voyage: IN2016_V06       [details]
Subject: Spurious udp packets
When: 2016-11-08 03:14:04 UTC

- entered into Elog/Everlog as 2016-11-08 03:14:04
Log: in2016_v06
Equipment: Techsas

Techsas data logging system [view]
Position: Latitude: -27.2755 Longitude: 154.1344 Position from underway logging
Action: Observation
the firewall iptable on techsas3 was allowing udp packets from techsas3 dev to be broadcast onto the network, this will affect data from 07/2120 unil 08/0313z. Data affected includes:underway seawater, pco2, dpx112, seapath, d1850, gyro1, gyro2, em300, nox, absorption photometer

the firewall iptable on techsas3 was allowing udp packets from techsas3 dev to be broadcast onto the network, this will affect data from 07/2120 unil 08/0313z. Data affected includes: underway seawater, pco2, dpx112, seapath, d1850, gyro1, gyro2, em300, nox, absorption photometer

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