Data Trawler - Event Details

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Event details

Voyage: IN2017_V02       [details]
Subject: Restarted to make TSG Calibrations stick
When: 2017-03-18 17:41:11 UTC

- entered into Elog/Everlog as 2017-03-18 17:41:11
Log: in2017_v02
Equipment: Techsas1

Techsas data logging system [view]
Position: Latitude: -46.03783 Longitude: 142.37217

- entered into Elog as 46 02.27 S, 142 22.33 E
Action: Techsas restart

"nécessite un redémarrage de l'application" means "Requires a restart of the application" in French

NCMI Information and Data Centre  »  Applications  »  Data Trawler