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Deployment Details
Survey: - SS200302 [details]
Deployment Type: - Sediment Sampling
Station: TD-62
When: 2003-04-01 09:06 UTC
Where: 22° 08.5' S 176° 14.7' E
Maximum Depth (m): unknown
Sediment Sampling details
Device used: Dredge - unspecified
Contents | Top (m) | Base (m) |
Fresh black basalt, 10% plagioclase phenocrysts to 2 mm across. Highly vesicular core to pillow (50% vesicles; up to 1 cm across) grading to weakly vesicular glassy crust (10% vesicles; <1 mm across). Glassy crust is greenish grey and dense. Exterior surface is orange palagonised glassy lava, sometimes with well developed ropey texture. Rare dioritic xenoliths. | ||
Blue-grey non-vesicular dense plagioclase andesite. 20% plagioclase phenocrysts to 4 mm across. Outer 5 mm of clast is weathered brown. Occurs as a xenolith within 62-01 type lava. | ||
As for 62-01, but trace clinopyroxene phenocrysts ~1 mm across. Probably these occur at trace levels in all blocks. |