Data Trawler - Deployment Details

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Deployment Details

Survey: - SS200302 [details]

Deployment Type: - Sediment Sampling

Station: TD-58

When: 2003-03-31 04:29 UTC

Where: 22° 33.7' S    176° 26.5' E

Maximum Depth (m): unknown

Sediment Sampling details

Device used: Dredge - unspecified

ContentsTop (m)Base (m)
Large pillow. 5-10% vesicles, with spherical ~1 mm across vesicles evenly distributed throughout the rock and some larger generally elongate vesicles up to 5 x 2 mm. 10-15% plagioclase phenocrysts both discrete and in clusters up to ~3 mm across, with rare crystals to 5 mm across. One plagioclase megacryst >1 cm across. Sparse dark green clinopyroxene phenocrysts appears light green where fractured, and occurs as rounded 1-2 mm across crystals. Lava exfoliated when hammered, leaving a solid ~20 cm diameter core. Exterior covered with red/brown FeMnOx and palagonite. All glass appears devitrified.
As for 58-02.
Smaller ~20 cm diameter pillow with a preserved exfoliated palagonite margin.
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