Data Trawler - Deployment Details

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Deployment Details

Survey: - SS200302 [details]

Deployment Type: - Sediment Sampling

Station: TD-55

When: 2003-03-30 14:09 UTC

Where: 22° 22.6' S    176° 34.1' E

Maximum Depth (m): unknown

Sediment Sampling details

Device used: Dredge - unspecified

ContentsTop (m)Base (m)
Pillow fragment with no glass. Moderately vesicular with microvesicles up to 5 mm vesicles (vesicles are banded). Sparsely phyric with clinopyroxene and olivine. Plagioclase only in the groundmass.
Small pillow rind with glass. Some glass and lava is altered. Plagioclase phyric with microvesicles.
As for 55-02.
Moderately vesicular pillow with a small amount of glass. Plagioclase phyric.
Larger pillow rind with glass. Some glass and lava is altered. Interior has a band of vesicles filled with Fe-oxide. Very sparsely phyric with some clinopyroxene +/- rounded plagioclase +/- small olivines.
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