Data Trawler - Deployment Details

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Deployment Details

Survey: - FR199503 [details]

Deployment Type: - CTD Cast / Hydrology

Cast: 52

Operation No.: 1

When: 1995-04-14 06:13 to 1995-04-14 09:43 UTC

Where: 10° 04.8' S    105° 55.0' E
to 10° 04.8' S    105° 53.6' E

Maximum Depth (m): unknown

CTD profile - view full size

View two CTD profiles of Salinity versus Fluorescence and Temperature versus Oxygen.

Bottle Data

Pressure Oxygen
thermometricDepth Nitrate
(deg C)
24 2.7 205.60 34.329 0.20 29.26 0.08 2.50
1 49.2 204.50 34.368 0.20 0.08 2.40
5 99.4 111.30 34.861 15.50 0.97 11.60
145 148.7 97.80 34.774 22.60 1.57 24.00
20 198.6 92.90 34.648 28.10 1.99 35.10
19 298.2 77.40 34.728 33.00 2.33 39.50
118 396.1 74.50 34.764 34.70 2.42 40.80
35 496.6 74.50 34.759 35.90 2.53 46.10
6 596.6 74.60 34.724 37.10 2.63 55.10
21 696 76.70 34.685 38.10 2.71 64.30
127 796.1 78.50 34.666 39.10 2.78 74.80
170 896.1 84.70 34.646 39.70 2.82 87.50
14 995.4 92.70 34.631 39.90 2.81 97.00
10 1245.7 100.70 34.646 40.30 2.83 107.60
111 1491.4 109.20 34.699 1,471.89 40.90 3.77 2.82 111.30
129 1746.2 125.70 34.735 39.90 2.79 116.30
17 1996.5 141.10 34.740 39.30 2.73 119.30
7 2247 151.60 34.736 39.00 2.68 121.50
141 2496.8 157.90 34.732 38.70 2.65 123.50
124 2997.2 172.30 34.727 38.20 2.62 128.70
4 3498.3 184.50 34.720 37.70 2.58 131.20
3 3999.3 194.70 34.719 37.10 2.55 130.80
2 4499.9 199.80 34.716 4,428.78 36.90 1.17 2.52 128.90
18 4811.2 195.50 34.714 36.90 2.53 127.20
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