Data Trawler - Deployment Details

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Deployment Details

Survey: - FR199503 [details]

Deployment Type: - CTD Cast / Hydrology

Cast: 32

Operation No.: 1

When: 1995-04-08 14:04 to 1995-04-08 18:01 UTC

Where: 19° 08.7' S    108° 47.4' E
to 19° 09.4' S    108° 48.6' E

Maximum Depth (m): unknown

CTD profile - view full size

View two CTD profiles of Salinity versus Fluorescence and Temperature versus Oxygen.

Bottle Data

Pressure Oxygen
thermometricDepth Nitrate
(deg C)
24 5 207.60 35.251 0.10 27.59 0.13 2.00
23 49.5 222.20 35.541 0.10 0.14 2.20
22 98 192.20 35.446 0.80 0.34 3.90
21 149.5 165.60 35.466 8.00 0.69 8.00
20 198 185.00 35.560 8.00 0.71 7.90
19 296.6 230.80 35.390 6.50 0.64 1.90
18 448.4 241.50 34.784 15.70 1.15 3.70
17 496.1 231.00 34.659 19.90 1.38 6.30
25 597 176.40 34.575 28.40 1.92 25.70
15 697 126.60 34.588 35.20 2.42 53.40
14 794.5 102.40 34.624 37.80 2.64 72.40
16 896.1 94.60 34.646 39.10 2.74 85.40
12 996.2 96.50 34.646 39.40 2.75 94.30
10 1496.6 127.60 34.667 38.60 2.69 103.60
9 2005.7 148.00 34.721 38.30 2.61 122.00
8 2498.9 160.60 34.726 37.90 2.56 129.30
7 2997 176.00 34.724 37.00 2.49 128.60
11 3474 188.20 34.720 36.10 1.36 2.39 127.10
5 4000.7 193.10 34.716 36.50 2.41 131.40
4 4499.4 198.60 34.711 36.30 2.41 132.40
3 4998.9 201.60 34.713 36.30 2.39 130.70
2 5102.3 202.00 34.713 5,016.31 36.20 1.21 2.37 130.80
1 5279.7 204.50 34.713 35.60 2.36 127.00
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