Deployment Details
Survey: - SS200901 [details]
Deployment Type: - CTD Cast / Hydrology
Cast: 48
Operation No.: 1
Gear: CTD 21,Conductivity CTD 21 - SN 3309,Oxygen-CTD 21-SBE 43-SN 1239,Pressure CTD 21,Temperature CTD 21 - SN 4718
When: 2009-02-19 04:27 to 2009-02-19 07:56 UTC
30° 29.8' S
190° 00.4' E
30° 29.9' S
190° 00.3' E
Maximum Depth (m): 5644
CTD profile - view full size
View two CTD profiles of Salinity versus Fluorescence and Temperature versus Oxygen.Bottle Data
Bottle Number |
Pressure |
Oxygen (µM) |
Salinity (psu) |
Nitrate (µM) |
Orthophosphate (µM) |
Silicate (µM) |
12015 | 2.6 | 217.36 | 35.393 | < 0.02 | 0.03 | 0.95 |
12046 | 24.7 | 218.21 | 35.408 | < 0.02 | 0.03 | 0.95 |
12020 | 62 | 262.29 | 35.542 | < 0.02 | 0.07 | 1.20 |
12003 | 111.6 | 226.07 | 35.416 | 3.57 | 0.35 | 1.91 |
12051 | 134.3 | 231.92 | 35.297 | 4.10 | 0.38 | 2.00 |
12010 | 162.3 | 217.72 | 35.245 | 7.66 | 0.59 | 2.80 |
12018 | 197.2 | 230.04 | 35.203 | 6.52 | 0.53 | 2.44 |
12024 | 272.2 | 210.57 | 34.996 | 12.83 | 0.89 | 4.07 |
12001 | 347.3 | 214.23 | 34.827 | 15.29 | 1.06 | 4.88 |
12025 | 447.8 | 219.90 | 34.575 | 19.49 | 1.31 | 6.12 |
12041 | 648.3 | 235.80 | 34.397 | 23.62 | 1.56 | 8.97 |
12012 | 798.6 | 227.72 | 34.349 | 26.40 | 1.75 | 14.23 |
12022 | 964.3 | 206.01 | 34.350 | 30.17 | 2.00 | 27.24 |
12016 | 1230.2 | 186.10 | 34.410 | 34.09 | 2.29 | 52.13 |
12019 | 1487.8 | 166.89 | 34.533 | 35.39 | 2.41 | 81.87 |
12031 | 1797.1 | 156.53 | 34.606 | 36.03 | 2.50 | 105.73 |
12021 | 2130.8 | 151.84 | 34.635 | 36.78 | 2.53 | 119.97 |
12032 | 2397.8 | 150.15 | 34.648 | 36.81 | 2.53 | 126.25 |
12007 | 3163.1 | 171.67 | 34.690 | 34.91 | 2.41 | 124.58 |
12002 | 3664.7 | 200.92 | 34.717 | 32.92 | 2.24 | 113.85 |
12008 | 4165.5 | 209.68 | 34.716 | 32.81 | 2.22 | 119.62 |
12033 | 4664 | 211.73 | 34.708 | 32.78 | 2.24 | 124.03 |
12006 | 5165.2 | 212.36 | 34.707 | 33.08 | 2.25 | 124.95 |
12045 | 5642.6 | 212.80 | 34.708 | 33.01 |
Gear / Instruments used.
Instrument | Manufacturer | Model | Serial No | Measuring |
CTD 21 | Seabird | SBE9plus | 09P44558-0858 | |
Conductivity CTD 21 - SN 3309 | Seabird | SBE4C | 3309 | |
Oxygen-CTD 21-SBE 43-SN 1239 | Seabird | SBE 43 | 1239 | Oxygen (µM) |
Pressure CTD 21 | Digiquartz | 410K-134 | 101526 | Pressure (decibars) |
Temperature CTD 21 - SN 4718 | Seabird | SBE3plus | 4718 | Temperature (deg C) |