Data Trawler - Deployment Details

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Deployment Details

Survey: - FR200104 [details]

Deployment Type: - CTD Cast / Hydrology

Cast: 13

Operation No.: 1

Gear: CTD 20 - SN 0552,Conductivity CTD 20-SN 2312,Oxygen CTD 20-Becman 527,Pressure CTD 20-SN 75638,Temperature CTD 20-SN 2466

When: 2001-05-14 14:52 to 2001-05-14 17:49 UTC

Where: 34° 20.9' S    152° 51.0' E
to 34° 20.7' S    152° 50.3' E

Maximum Depth (m): 4934

CTD profile - view full size

View two CTD profiles of Salinity versus Fluorescence and Temperature versus Oxygen.

Bottle Data

Pressure Salinity
523 2.4 35.531 < 0.02 0.02 0.70
512 48.6 220.10 < 0.02 < 0.02 0.60
520 97.9 35.690 194.10 2.70 0.17 1.00
516 198.1 35.601 196.90 5.60 0.34 1.70
515 499.1 35.001 198.00 15.60 0.94 5.80
521 900 34.495 193.70 27.30 1.71 22.20
509 1197.9 178.20 32.20 2.08 49.60
507 1749 34.609 157.40 35.70 2.37 95.50
508 2798.4 34.724 189.30 32.90 2.12 103.30
506 3498.2 34.722 199.00 33.10 2.15 115.60
504 4198.4 34.714 200.80 33.40 2.20 121.40
505 4933.1 34.713 201.20 33.50 2.21 122.00
Gear / Instruments used.
InstrumentManufacturerModelSerial NoMeasuring
CTD 20 - SN 0552SeabirdSBE II plus0552
Conductivity CTD 20-SN 2312SeabirdSBE-42312
Oxygen CTD 20-Becman 527SeabirdBeckman130527Oxygen (µM)
Pressure CTD 20-SN 75638Paroscientific I410K-10575638Pressure (decibars)
Temperature CTD 20-SN 2466SeabirdSBE-32466Temperature (deg C)
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