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Deployment Details
Survey: - SO198404 [details]
Deployment Type: - Catch
Station: 16
Operation No.: 16
Gear: Engel midwater 152
When: 1984-08-17 19:46 to 1984-08-17 20:36 UTC
Where: 42° 40.0' S 148° 27.0' E
Maximum Depth (m): 290
Description: Trawling
Gear used
Net | Sample | Start | End | Start depth | End depth | Method | Effort |
Engel midwater 152 | 1984-08-17 19:46 | 1984-08-17 20:36 | Stern Trawl | 50 minutes |
Catch Composition
CAAB | Taxa | Count | Weight (kg) |
37107002 | Maurolicus australis | 9 | 0.005 |
37311053 | Verilus anomalus | 38 | 0.622 |
37227001 | Macruronus novaezelandiae | 13 | 5.1 |
37122002 | Lampanyctodes hectoris | 639 | 1.47 |
Deployment observations.
Cloud cover: | Trace |
Current direction: | 0 |
Sea state: | Slight |
Sea surface salinity: | 35.1 psu |
Sea surface temp: | 12.6 degrees Celsius |
Wind direction: | 320 degrees |
Wind force: | Fresh Breeze |