Data Trawler - Deployment Details

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Deployment Details

Survey: - FR199001 [details]

Deployment Type: - CTD Cast / Hydrology

Cast: 22

Operation No.: 1

Gear: CTD 4,Conductivity CTD 4,Dissolved oxygen CTD 4,Fluorometer,Licor-generic,Pressure CTD 4,Temperature CTD 4,Transmissometer

When: 1990-01-17 19:47 to 1990-01-17 22:24 UTC

Where: 44° 29.0' S    151° 59.9' E
to 44° 28.8' S    151° 57.8' E

Maximum Depth (m): 3994

CTD profile - view full size

View two CTD profiles of Salinity versus Fluorescence and Temperature versus Oxygen.

Bottle Data

Pressure Oxygen
(deg C)
51 1.8 258.45 34.856 14.44
6 45.4 255.02 34.923
38 95.8 247.82 35.066
25 145.9 241.65 34.884
40 196.2 247.82 34.783
10 396.8 230.34 34.667
29 797 192.98 34.481
24 995.3 203.60 34.370
8 1746.4 167.27 34.611
36 2247.5 183.38 34.717
46 2996.6 191.95 34.737
27 3994.1 204.63 34.713
Gear / Instruments used.
InstrumentManufacturerModelSerial NoMeasuring
Conductivity CTD 4NBIS IncB10086
Dissolved oxygen CTD 4BeckmanOxygen (µM)
FluorometerSeaTechFluorescence (arbitrary units)
Licor-genericPAR (uE/m**2/sec)
Pressure CTD 4Paine211-35-440Pressure (decibars)
Temperature CTD 4Rosemount171 BJTemperature (deg C)
TransmissometerSeaTechTransmittance (%)
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