Data Trawler - Deployment Details

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Deployment Details

Survey: - FR199001 [details]

Deployment Type: - CTD Cast / Hydrology

Cast: 19

Operation No.: 1

Gear: CTD 4,Conductivity CTD 4,Dissolved oxygen CTD 4,Fluorometer,Licor-generic,Pressure CTD 4,Temperature CTD 4,Transmissometer

When: 1990-01-17 04:16 to 1990-01-17 07:06 UTC

Where: 43° 31.8' S    151° 59.6' E
to 43° 30.4' S    152° 01.7' E

Maximum Depth (m): 3992

CTD profile - view full size

View two CTD profiles of Salinity versus Fluorescence and Temperature versus Oxygen.

Bottle Data

Pressure Oxygen
thermometricDepth Temperature
(deg C)
51 0.5 259.68 34.966 15.12
58 45.8 257.73 34.996
56 96.3 248.33 35.027
61 147.2 249.95 34.894
25 197.3 246.39 34.806
24 396.9 259.35 34.619
29 800.6 195.81 34.508
27 1000.2 203.59 34.383
36 1747.4 172.15 34.615
10 2247.7 183.82 34.708
46 2995.4 193.22 34.734 2,948.87 1.63
8 3992.1 204.24 34.712
Gear / Instruments used.
InstrumentManufacturerModelSerial NoMeasuring
Conductivity CTD 4NBIS IncB10086
Dissolved oxygen CTD 4BeckmanOxygen (µM)
FluorometerSeaTechFluorescence (arbitrary units)
Licor-genericPAR (uE/m**2/sec)
Pressure CTD 4Paine211-35-440Pressure (decibars)
Temperature CTD 4Rosemount171 BJTemperature (deg C)
TransmissometerSeaTechTransmittance (%)
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