Data Trawler - Deployment Details

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Deployment Details

Survey: - FR199001 [details]

Deployment Type: - CTD Cast / Hydrology

Cast: 15

Operation No.: 1

Gear: CTD 1,Conductivity CTD 1,Generic pH Sensor,Pressure CTD 1,Temperature CTD 1

When: 1990-01-14 18:37 to 1990-01-14 21:42 UTC

Where: 42° 29.7' S    151° 54.4' E

Maximum Depth (m): 3998

CTD profile - view full size

View two CTD profiles of Salinity versus Fluorescence and Temperature versus Oxygen.

Bottle Data

Pressure Oxygen
thermometricDepth Temperature
(deg C)
51 22 259.66 34.918 15.08
61 50 249.00
7 99 238.59 35.159
62 99 237.00 35.027
37 149 237.90 35.160
38 196 237.94 34.924
40 298 233.08 34.720
5 398 256.75 34.630
25 499 232.40
10 602 218.17 34.587
27 800 186.72 34.485
36 1001 195.15 34.409
8 1103 178.30 34.449 1,094.34 4.73
46 1345 159.49 34.529
26 1499 157.55 34.557
24 1746 165.98 34.620
43 1999 169.22 34.704
35 2244 180.57 34.708
29 2502 186.40 34.723
42 2599 187.37 34.726
41 2994 189.64 34.734
28 3497 198.07 34.722
33 3998 190.94 34.715
Gear / Instruments used.
InstrumentManufacturerModelSerial NoMeasuring
Conductivity CTD 1NBIS IncB10086
Generic pH SensorpH
Pressure CTD 1Paine211-35-440Pressure (decibars)
Temperature CTD 1Rosemount171 BJTemperature (deg C)
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