Data Trawler - Deployment Details

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Deployment Details

Survey: - FR198704 [details]

Deployment Type: - CTD Cast / Hydrology

Cast: 107

Operation No.: 1

When: 1987-03-26 06:53 to 1987-03-26 08:11 UTC

Where: 14° 58.9' S    115° 32.7' E

Maximum Depth (m): unknown

CTD profile - view full size

View two CTD profiles of Salinity versus Fluorescence and Temperature versus Oxygen.

Bottle Data

Pressure Oxygen
thermometricDepth Nitrate
(deg C)
13 0 204.00 34.947 < 0.02 0.18 3.10
56 26 209.77 34.817 < 0.02 28.79 0.17 3.10
20 50.5 218.94 34.777 < 0.02 0.17 3.10
57 75.4 200.32 34.624 0.22 0.27 5.10
14 100.8 141.86 34.539 10.06 0.76 10.90
52 151 124.09 34.652 16.35 1.16 19.50
16 200.8 110.91 34.711 23.01 1.57 29.10
99 251.6 108.04 34.689 26.00 1.82 35.60
17 299.4 112.34 34.675 22.15 1.67 30.50
22 500.5 127.25 34.644 31.73 2.18 41.10
36 701.4 89.12 34.628 700.30 38.48 6.41 2.67 82.10
58 1011.5 94.86 34.620 39.94 2.81 104.40
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