MNF Reporting - Voyage publications

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Publications from the voyages of the Marine National Facility and other non-MNF voyages

This is a catalogue of publications principally derived from data obtained on Marine National Facility voyages. There are also additional references from earlier non-MNF voyages from RV Franklin, RV Southern Surveyor, Soela and others.

Each publication where relevant is linked to one or more voyages which you can follow for voyage details of maps, metadata records, data, other publications and reports etc.

See also the list of the latest 30 publications.

Information: - Publication is not public

Use this form to search for MNF publications and reports and other vessel related records. The 'Search for references' is not case sensitive and numbers in [] are the number of records.

The 'Project' selector is limited to RV Investigator projects. Select 'All projects...' to include references from any source

Search for references: Ships: Year published:
Type: Voyages:
Highlight matches Restrict to MNF voyages

If not found, then you can submit a new publication        or start with a DOI and then

Any new references will be vetted before becoming public.

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