This code is provided for use when identification of a specimen to this level is sufficient, or when no further detail is available.
Name status: accepted
Checked on: 2019-11-21
View at Atlas of Living Australia
Name status: accepted
Checked on: 2019-03-07
View at WoRMS - also at Ocean Biodiversity Information System (OBIS)
(report and map of occurrences)
Scientific Name verified against:
McLaughlin, P.A., 2000. Crustacea Decapoda: Porcellanopagurus Filhol and Solitariopagurus Türkay (Paguridae), from the New Caledonia area, Vanuatu and the Marquesas: new records, new species. In: Crosnier, A., Mémoires du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, 184. Résultats des Campagnes MUSORSTOM, 21: 389-414.