Name status: accepted
Checked on: 2019-11-21
View at Atlas of Living Australia
Name status: accepted
Checked on: 2019-01-11
View at WoRMS - also at Ocean Biodiversity Information System (OBIS)
(report and map of occurrences)
Record source:
Poore, G.C.B., 2005. Supplement to the 2002 catalogue of Australian Crustacea: Malacostraca - Syncarida and Peracarida (Volume 19.2A): 2002-2004., Museum Victoria Science Reports, Vol. 7: 1-15.
Scientific Name verified against:
Bruce, N.L., 2009. The marine fauna of New Zealand: Isopoda, Aegidae (Crustacea)., NIWA Biodiversity Memoir, Vol. 122: 1-252.