CAAB - Codes for Australian Aquatic Biota - Taxon report

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Codes for Australian Aquatic Biota (CAAB) Taxon Report

Animalia (kingdom)  »  Cnidaria (phylum)  »  Anthozoa (class)  »  Scleractinia (order)  »  Merulinidae (family)

CAAB Code: 11 305912 show as JSON
Scientific Name
and Authority

Phymastrea spp.  

Rank: Genus
CAAB category: 11 - Cnidaria Jellyfish, sea anemones, corals and allies
Family: 11 305 Merulinidae (hard corals) - show full list
Common Name: [a stony coral]
Organism Type: a stony coral
Synonyms: Montastraea spp.
Montastrea spp.
Taxon lists: Current Australian list:
Commercial species list:
Standard Fish Names List:
Habitat: Marine unspecified
Parent Codes: 11 305000     Merulinidae
Taxon Notes:Members of this genus were previously included in the genus Montastraea (also called Montastrea by some workers), which is now regarded as restricted to the Atlantic. See Budd et al, 2012. This code is provided for use when identification of a specimen to this level is sufficient, or when no further detail is available.
Scientific Name
verified against
Budd, A.F., Fukami, H., Smith, N.D., Knowlton, N., 2012. Taxonomic classification of the reef coral family Mussidae (Cnidaria: Anthozoa: Scleractinia)., Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, Vol. 166(3): 465-529.
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