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Current CAAB listing for family (or group)
Liagoraceae (red algae)
Found 33 matches. Click on CAAB code to view taxon report.
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CAAB | Scientific Name | Common name |
55 025000 | Liagoraceae | red algae |
55 025901 | Dotyophycus spp. | |
55 025902 | Ganonema spp. | |
55 025903 | Gloiotrichus spp. | |
55 025904 | Helminthocladia spp. | |
55 025905 | Helminthora spp. | |
55 025906 | Liagora spp. | |
55 025907 | Nemalion spp. | |
55 025908 | Trichogloea spp. | |
55 025909 | Yamadaella spp. | |
55 025003 | Dotyophycus abbottiae | [a red alga] |
55 025004 | Ganonema codii | [a red alga] |
55 025005 | Gloiotrichus fractalis | [a red alga] |
55 025006 | Helminthocladia australis | [a red alga] |
55 025007 | Helminthocladia beaugleholei | [a red alga] |
55 025008 | Helminthocladia densa | [a red alga] |
55 025009 | Helminthocladia dotyi | [a red alga] |
55 025010 | Helminthora australis | [a red alga] |
55 025011 | Helminthora lindaueri | [a red alga] |
55 025012 | Liagora australasica | [a red alga] |
55 025013 | Liagora ceranoides | [a red alga] |
55 025014 | Liagora cladonioides | [a red alga] |
55 025002 | Liagora farinosa | [a red alga] |
55 025001 | Liagora harveyana | [a red alga] |
55 025015 | Liagora hawaiiana | [a red alga] |
55 025016 | Liagora orientalis | [a red alga] |
55 025017 | Liagora pinnata | [a red alga] |
55 025018 | Liagora robusta | [a red alga] |
55 025019 | Liagora valida | [a red alga] |
55 025020 | Liagora wilsoniana | [a red alga] |
55 025021 | Nemalion helminthoides | [a red alga] |
55 025022 | Trichogloea requienii | [a red alga] |
55 025023 | Yamadaella caenomyce | [a red alga] |
Note: CAAB codes prefixed "99" represent project-specific (informal) taxa.