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Current CAAB listing for family (or group)
Delesseriaceae (red algae)
Found 96 matches. Click on CAAB code to view taxon report.
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CAAB | Scientific Name | Common name |
55 131000 | Delesseriaceae | red algae |
55 131901 | Abroteia spp. | |
55 131902 | Acrosorium spp. | |
55 131903 | Apoglossum spp. | |
55 131904 | Caloglossa spp. | |
55 131905 | Chauviniella spp. | |
55 131906 | Cottoniella spp. | |
55 131907 | Delesseria spp. | |
55 131908 | Erythroglossum spp. | |
55 131909 | Haraldiophyllum spp. | |
55 131910 | Hemineura spp. | |
55 131911 | Heterodoxia spp. | |
55 131912 | Holmsella spp. | |
55 131913 | Hymenena spp. | |
55 131914 | Hypoglossum spp. | |
55 131915 | Laingia spp. | |
55 131916 | Marionella spp. | |
55 131917 | Martensia spp. | |
55 131918 | Myriogramme spp. | |
55 131919 | Nitophyllum spp. | |
55 131920 | Patulophycus spp. | |
55 131921 | Phitymophora spp. | |
55 131922 | Phycodrys spp. | |
55 131923 | Platyclina spp. | |
55 131924 | Platysiphonia spp. | |
55 131925 | Sarcomenia spp. | |
55 131926 | Schizoseris spp. | |
55 131927 | Taenioma spp. | |
55 131928 | Valeriemaya spp. | |
55 131929 | Vanvoorstia spp. | |
55 131005 | Abroteia orbicularis | [a red alga] |
55 131006 | Acrosorium decumbens | [a red alga] |
55 131007 | Acrosorium minus | [a red alga] |
55 131008 | Acrosorium venulosum | [a red alga] |
55 131009 | Apoglossum montagneanum | [a red alga] |
55 131010 | Apoglossum oppositifolium | [a red alga] |
55 131011 | Apoglossum spathulatum | [a red alga] |
55 131012 | Apoglossum unguiculescens | [a red alga] |
55 131013 | Caloglossa beccarii | [a red alga] |
55 131014 | Caloglossa bengalensis | [a red alga] |
55 131015 | Caloglossa leprieurii var. angustata | [a red alga] |
55 131016 | Caloglossa leprieurii | [a red alga] |
55 131017 | Caloglossa ogasawaraensis | [a red alga] |
55 131018 | Caloglossa stipitata | [a red alga] |
55 131019 | Chauviniella coriifolia | [a red alga] |
55 131020 | Cottoniella filamentosa | [a red alga] |
55 131021 | Delesseria crassinervia | [a red alga] |
55 131022 | Erythroglossum undulatissimum | [a red alga] |
55 131023 | Haraldiophyllum sinuosum | [a red alga] |
55 131001 | Hemineura frondosa | [a red alga] |
55 131002 | Heterodoxia denticulata | [a red alga] |
55 131024 | Holmsella australis | [a red alga] |
55 131025 | Hymenena affinis | [a red alga] |
55 131003 | Hymenena curdieana | [a red alga] |
55 131026 | Hymenena durvillaei | [a red alga] |
55 131027 | Hymenena multipartita | [a red alga] |
55 131028 | Hymenena palmata | [a red alga] |
55 131029 | Hymenena variolosa | [a red alga] |
55 131030 | Hypoglossum caloglossoides | [a red alga] |
55 131031 | Hypoglossum dendroides | [a red alga] |
55 131032 | Hypoglossum harveyanum | [a red alga] |
55 131033 | Hypoglossum heterocystideum | [a red alga] |
55 131034 | Hypoglossum revolutum | [a red alga] |
55 131035 | Hypoglossum simulans | [a red alga] |
55 131036 | Laingia hookeri | [a red alga] |
55 131037 | Marionella prolifera | [a red alga] |
55 131038 | Martensia australis | [a red alga] |
55 131039 | Martensia elegans | [a red alga] |
55 131040 | Martensia fragilis | [a red alga] |
55 131041 | Myriogramme bombayensis | [a red alga] |
55 131042 | Myriogramme carnea | [a red alga] |
55 131043 | Myriogramme crispata | [a red alga] |
55 131044 | Myriogramme denticulata | [a red alga] |
55 131045 | Myriogramme erosa | [a red alga] |
55 131046 | Myriogramme gattyana | [a red alga] |
55 131047 | Myriogramme pulchella | [a red alga] |
55 131048 | Nitophyllum delicatum | [a red alga] |
55 131049 | Nitophyllum tongatense | [a red alga] |
55 131050 | Patulophycus eclipes | [a red alga] |
55 131051 | Phitymophora linearis | [a red alga] |
55 131052 | Phycodrys australasica | [a red alga] |
55 131053 | Phycodrys profunda | [a red alga] |
55 131054 | Phycodrys quercifolia | [a red alga] |
55 131055 | Platyclina purpurea | [a red alga] |
55 131056 | Platysiphonia delicata | [a red alga] |
55 131057 | Platysiphonia hypneoides | [a red alga] |
55 131058 | Platysiphonia marginalis | [a red alga] |
55 131059 | Sarcomenia delesserioides | [a red alga] |
55 131060 | Schizoseris dichotoma | [a red alga] |
55 131061 | Schizoseris griffithsia | [a red alga] |
55 131062 | Schizoseris tasmanica | [a red alga] |
55 131063 | Taenioma nanum | [a red alga] |
55 131064 | Taenioma perpusillum | [a red alga] |
55 131065 | Valeriemaya geminata | [a red alga] |
55 131004 | Vanvoorstia bennettiana | Bennett's Seaweed |
55 131066 | Vanvoorstia spectabilis | [a red alga] |
Note: CAAB codes prefixed "99" represent project-specific (informal) taxa.