CAAB - Codes for Australian Aquatic Biota - Family list

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Corallinaceae (red algae)

Found 112 matches. Click on CAAB code to view taxon report.

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CAAB Scientific Name Common name
55 121000 Corallinaceae red algae
55 121901 Amphiroa spp.
55 121902 Arthrocardia spp.
55 121903 Arthrocladia spp.
55 121904 Austrolithon spp.
55 121905 Cheilosporum spp.
55 121906 Choreonema spp.
55 121907 Corallina spp.
55 121908 Haliptilon spp.
55 121909 Hydrolithon spp.
55 121910 Jania spp.
55 121911 Lesueuria spp.
55 121912 Lithophyllum spp.
55 121913 Lithoporella spp.
55 121914 Lithothamnion spp.
55 121915 Mastophora spp.
55 121916 Mastophoropsis spp.
55 121917 Melobesia spp.
55 121918 Mesophyllum spp.
55 121919 Metagoniolithon spp.
55 121920 Metamastophora spp.
55 121921 Neogoniolithon spp.
55 121922 Phymatolithon spp.
55 121923 Pneophyllum spp.
55 121924 Spongites spp.
55 121925 Synarthrophyton spp.
55 121926 Tenarea spp.
55 121005 Amphiroa anastomosans [a red alga]
55 121006 Amphiroa anceps [a red alga]
55 121007 Amphiroa crassa [a red alga]
55 121008 Amphiroa foliacea [a red alga]
55 121009 Amphiroa fragilissima [a red alga]
55 121010 Amphiroa gracilis [a red alga]
55 121011 Amphiroa rigida [a red alga]
55 121012 Arthrocardia corymbosa [a red alga]
55 121013 Arthrocardia flabellata australica [a red alga]
55 121014 Arthrocardia wardii [a red alga]
55 121015 Arthrocladia villosa [a red alga]
55 121016 Austrolithon intumescens [a red alga]
55 121017 Cheilosporum acutilobum [a red alga]
55 121004 Cheilosporum cultratum [a red alga]
55 121001 Cheilosporum sagittatum [a red alga]
55 121018 Cheilosporum spectabile [a red alga]
55 121019 Choreonema thuretii [a red alga]
55 121020 Corallina armata [a red alga]
55 121021 Corallina berteroi [a red alga]
55 121002 Corallina officinalis [a red alga]
55 121022 Haliptilon roseum [a red alga]
55 121023 Hydrolithon cymodoceae [a red alga]
55 121024 Hydrolithon farinosum [a red alga]
55 121025 Hydrolithon improcerum [a red alga]
55 121026 Hydrolithon munitum [a red alga]
55 121027 Hydrolithon onkodes [a red alga]
55 121028 Hydrolithon reinboldii [a red alga]
55 121029 Hydrolithon rupestris [a red alga]
55 121030 Jania adhaerens [a red alga]
55 121031 Jania affinis [a red alga]
55 121032 Jania decussatodichotoma [a red alga]
55 121033 Jania micrarthrodia [a red alga]
55 121034 Jania minuta [a red alga]
55 121035 Jania novae-zelandiae [a red alga]
55 121036 Jania parva [a red alga]
55 121037 Jania pusilla [a red alga]
55 121038 Jania ungulata f. brevior [a red alga]
55 121039 Jania ungulata [a red alga]
55 121040 Jania verrucosa [a red alga]
55 121041 Lesueuria minderiana [a red alga]
55 121042 Lithophyllum chamberlainianum [a red alga]
55 121043 Lithophyllum corallinae [a red alga]
55 121044 Lithophyllum frondosum [a red alga]
55 121045 Lithophyllum insipidum [a red alga]
55 121046 Lithophyllum irvineanum [a red alga]
55 121047 Lithophyllum johansenii [a red alga]
55 121048 Lithophyllum kotschyanum [a red alga]
55 121049 Lithophyllum prototypum [a red alga]
55 121050 Lithophyllum pustulatum [a red alga]
55 121051 Lithophyllum pygmaeum [a red alga]
55 121052 Lithophyllum tamiense [a red alga]
55 121053 Lithoporella melobesioides [a red alga]
55 121054 Lithothamnion indicum [a red alga]
55 121055 Lithothamnion muelleri [a red alga]
55 121056 Lithothamnion proliferum [a red alga]
55 121057 Mastophora pacifica [a red alga]
55 121058 Mastophora rosea [a red alga]
55 121059 Mastophoropsis canaliculata [a red alga]
55 121060 Melobesia membranacea [a red alga]
55 121061 Melobesia rosanoffii [a red alga]
55 121062 Mesophyllum engelhartii [a red alga]
55 121063 Mesophyllum erubescens [a red alga]
55 121064 Mesophyllum incisum [a red alga]
55 121065 Mesophyllum macroblastum [a red alga]
55 121066 Mesophyllum mesomorphum [a red alga]
55 121067 Mesophyllum printzianum [a red alga]
55 121069 Metagoniolithon chara [a red alga]
55 121068 Metagoniolithon chara var. dichotomum [a red alga]
55 121070 Metagoniolithon radiatum [a red alga]
55 121003 Metagoniolithon stelliferum [a red alga]
55 121071 Metamastophora flabellata [a red alga]
55 121072 Neogoniolithon brassica-florida [a red alga]
55 121073 Phymatolithon masonianum [a red alga]
55 121074 Phymatolithon repandum [a red alga]
55 121075 Pneophyllum caulerpae [a red alga]
55 121076 Pneophyllum confervicola [a red alga]
55 121077 Pneophyllum coronatum [a red alga]
55 121078 Pneophyllum fragile [a red alga]
55 121079 Pneophyllum submersiporum [a red alga]
55 121080 Spongites fruticulosus [a red alga]
55 121081 Spongites hyperellus [a red alga]
55 121082 Spongites tunicatus [a red alga]
55 121083 Spongites yendoi [a red alga]
55 121084 Synarthrophyton patena [a red alga]
55 121085 Tenarea carpophylli [a red alga]

Note: CAAB codes prefixed "99" represent project-specific (informal) taxa.

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