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Current CAAB listing for family (or group)
Pleuronectidae (Righteye Flounders)
Found 43 matches. Click on CAAB code to view taxon report.
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CAAB | Scientific Name | Common name |
37 461916 | Pleuronectidae | righteye flounders |
37 461900 | Ammotretis spp. | bay flounder |
37 461795 | Atheresthes spp. | arrowtooth flounder |
37 461902 | Azygopus spp. | |
37 461903 | Colistium spp. | |
37 461904 | Nematops spp. | |
37 461905 | Pelotretis spp. | |
37 461906 | Peltorhamphus spp. | |
37 461908 | Pleuronectes spp. | |
37 461909 | Poecilopsetta spp. | |
37 461910 | Psammodiscus spp. | |
37 461911 | Reinhardtius spp. | |
37 461912 | Rhombosolea spp. | |
37 461915 | Taratretis spp. | |
37 461791 | Rhombosolea spp. (imported) [R. retiaria Hutton, 1874, R. plebeia (Richardson, 1842) & R. leporina Gunther, 1873 only] | New Zealand flounder |
37 461016 | Ammotretis brevipinnis | Shortfin Flounder |
37 461007 | Ammotretis elongatus | Elongate Flounder |
37 461004 | Ammotretis lituratus | Spotted Flounder |
37 461012 | Ammotretis macrolepis | Largescale Flounder |
37 461001 | Ammotretis rostratus | Longsnout Flounder |
37 461002 | Azygopus pinnifasciatus | Banded-fin Flounder |
37 461790 | Colistium guntheri | New Zealand brill |
37 461797 | Colistium nudipinnis | New Zealand turbot |
37 461019 | Nematops macrochirus | Longfin Righteye Flounder |
37 461020 | Nematops microstoma | Smallmouth Righteye Flounder |
37 461796 | Pelotretis flavilatus | New Zealand lemon sole |
37 461794 | Peltorhamphus novaezeelandiae | New Zealand sole |
37 461792 | Pleuronectes platessa | Plaice |
37 461506 | Poecilopsetta cf praelonga [of Williams et al 1996] | [a righteye flounder] |
37 461028 | Poecilopsetta colorata | Coloured Righteye Flounder |
37 461030 | Poecilopsetta macrocephala | Bighead Righteye Flounder |
37 461029 | Poecilopsetta natalensis | African Righteye Flounder |
37 461021 | Poecilopsetta plinthus | Tiled Righteye Flounder |
37 461022 | Poecilopsetta praelonga | Narrowbody Righteye Flounder |
37 461009 | Psammodiscus ocellatus | Freckled Righteye Flounder |
37 461793 | Reinhardtius hippoglossoides | Greenland turbot |
37 461750 | Rhombosolea leporina | yellowbelly flounder |
37 461751 | Rhombosolea plebeia | sand flounder |
37 461752 | Rhombosolea retiaria | [a righteye flounder] |
37 461003 | Rhombosolea tapirina | Greenback Flounder |
37 461011 | Taratretis derwentensis | Derwent Flounder |
99 379061 | Azygopus pinnifaseiatus (unverified) | |
99 379500 | Peltorhamphus macrocanthus (unverified) |
Note: CAAB codes prefixed "99" represent project-specific (informal) taxa.