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Current CAAB listing for family (or group)
Pentacerotidae (Boarfishes)
Found 31 matches. Click on CAAB code to view taxon report.
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CAAB | Scientific Name | Common name |
37 367000 | Pentacerotidae | boarfishes |
37 367902 | Evistias spp. | |
37 367903 | Histiopterus spp. | |
37 367904 | Parazanclistius spp. | |
37 367905 | Paristiopterus spp. | |
37 367906 | Pentaceropsis spp. | |
37 367907 | Pentaceros spp. | |
37 367908 | Pseudopentaceros spp. | |
37 367909 | Zanclistius spp. | |
37 367901 | Paristiopterus gallipavo & Paristiopterus labiosus | giant boarfish |
37 367011 | Evistias acutirostris | Striped Boarfish |
37 367008 | Histiopterus typus | Threebar Boarfish |
37 367010 | Parazanclistius hutchinsi | Short Boarfish |
37 367001 | Paristiopterus gallipavo | Yellowspotted Boarfish |
37 367002 | Paristiopterus labiosus | Giant Boarfish |
37 367003 | Pentaceropsis recurvirostris | Longsnout Boarfish |
37 367012 | Pentaceros capensis | Cape Armourhead |
37 367004 | Pentaceros decacanthus | Bigspine Boarfish |
37 367009 | Pseudopentaceros richardsoni | Pelagic Armourhead |
37 367005 | Zanclistius elevatus | Blackspot Boarfish |
99 378090 | Pseudopentaceros richardsoni (unverified) | |
99 378091 | Pseudopentaceros sp. (unverified) | |
99 378128 | Pentacerotidae gen. sp. unknown | |
99 379811 | Histiopterus typus & Zanclistius elevatus | |
99 379826 | Paristiopterus gallipavo & Paristiopterus labiosus | |
99 379324 | Histiopterus babiosus (unverified) | |
99 379354 | Lanelistius sp. (unverified) | |
99 379505 | Pentaceros decacanthus (unverified) | |
99 379742 | Zanclistius nudipinnis (unverified) | |
99 379743 | Zanclistius sp. (unverified) | |
99 379762 | Histiopteridae gen. sp. unknown |
Note: CAAB codes prefixed "99" represent project-specific (informal) taxa.